What is the median of 98 86 92 89 94 100 98 96 97 98 86 80 91 89 93 100 85 98? What is the mode?

What is the median of 98 86 92 89 94 100 98 96 97 98 86 80 91 89 93 100 85 98? What is the mode?

98 86 92 89 94 100 98 96 97 96 98 86 80 91 89 93 100 85 98 the median is 95. The mode is 98

21, 18, 37, 45, 35, 58, 21, 29, 36, 42 which is the median

Team Jun wolf lieying answers for you~
From small to large:
18 21 21 29 35 36 37 42 45 58
The median is 35.5
Hope to adopt ~ wish learning progress~~

What are the characteristics of numbers divisible by 17?

If the number of digits of an integer is truncated, and then 5 times of the number of digits is subtracted from the sum of the remaining digits, if the difference is a multiple of 17, then the original number can be divided by 17. If the difference is too large or it is difficult to see whether it is a multiple of 17 by mental arithmetic, we need to continue the above process of "truncation, multiplication, subtraction and difference checking" until we can make a clear judgment
Let's say 85952
The number of digits is truncated and the sum of the remaining digits is 8 + 5 + 9 + 5 = 27
Subtract 5 times of single digit = 17
It's divisible by 17
Check with the calculator
85 952 / 17 = 5056
You can try it yourself
PS other judge whether divide write very well

Can we give an example of the characteristics of numbers divisible by 17 and 19,

If the difference between the last three digits of an integer and the preceding number of 7 times can be divided by 19, then the number can be divided by 19
If the number of digits of an integer is truncated, and then 5 times of the number of digits is subtracted from the sum of the remaining digits, if the difference is a multiple of 17, then the original number can be divided by 17. If the difference is too large or it is difficult to see whether it is a multiple of 17 by mental arithmetic, we need to continue the above process of "truncation, multiplication, subtraction and difference checking" until we can make a clear judgment
Let's say 85952
The number of digits is truncated and the sum of the remaining digits is 8 + 5 + 9 + 5 = 27
Subtract 5 times of single digit = 17
It's divisible by 17

It is known that the ratio of the two angles is 7:3, and the difference is 72 degrees. What are the degrees of the two angles? Circle
Don't answer. I know.

One angle is 72 ° / (7-3) * 7 = 126 °
The other angle is 72 ° / (7-3) * 3 = 54 °

As shown in the figure, the lines AB, CD and EF intersect at point O. given the angle AOC = 50 degrees, calculate the degrees of the angle BOD and the angle cob

Angle BOD and angle AOC face each other, 50 degrees, angle cob and angle AOC form a flat angle, 180-50 = 130 degrees
It has nothing to do with EF!

If a pair of triangular plates are stacked together as shown in the figure, then the degree of ∠α is______ Degree

According to the particularity of angle of triangle plate, it can be known that ∠ AEB = 45 °, ∠ B = 60 °, ∵ ∠ α is the outer angle of △ BDE, ∵ α = ∠ AEB + ∠ B = 45 ° + 60 ° = 105 °. So the answer is: 105

A flat angle is the angle of two opposite extension lines, C. two right angles with a common vertex form a flat angle

A flat angle is the angle of two opposite extension lines

Four ways to express angles: flat angle. The concept of perimeter angle: 1. Perimeter angle =? Flat angle =? Right angle
B. The size of the corner depends on the length of the side
C. There are two rays on both sides of the corner;
D. You can change the size of an angle with a magnifying glass

One cycle angle = 360 ° one horizontal angle = 180 ° one right angle = 90 ° both the horizontal angle and the cycle angle are composed of two rays, and the two rays that are not straight to the cycle angle are double sum

A flat angle is made up of two right angles,

No, it can only be said that the degree of a horizontal angle is equal to the sum of two acute angles
A flat angle is made up of a point and two rays from that point