Today is Tuesday. What day is it in 100 days?

Today is Tuesday. What day is it in 100 days?

100 △ 7 = 14 (weeks) 2 (days); the remainder is 2. Two more days from Tuesday is Thursday. A: two more days is Thursday

Mathematics (binomial theorem) (523:19:52)
1 it is known that the sum of all coefficients in the expansion of (1 + 2x) n is equal to 729, then the coefficient of X3 term in the expansion is:
A.56  B.80   C.160  D.180
2. The value of the constant term in the (| x | + 1 / | x | - 2) 3 expansion is:
A.-20   B.20   C.-15   D-28

1. Let x = 1,3 ^ n = 729, n = 6
The answer is C

Mathematics in senior two, fast! Urgent! Mathematics ~ ~ ~ please answer in detail, thank you! (1 19:3:37)
It is known that the sum of the first n terms of the sequence {an} is SN. A1 = 1, an + 1 = 1 / 3Sn (n ∈ & # 160; N +)
1. Find the values of A2, A3 and A4
2. Find the general term formula of sequence an

An = SN-S (n-1) = 3 (an + 1) - 3 [a (n-1) + 1] = 3an-3a (n-1) we can get 2An = 3A (n-1) an = 3A (n-1) / 2. From this we can see that the sequence is an equal ratio sequence with scale coefficient of 3 / 2. Then the common formula of the sequence an is: an = (3 / 2) ^ (n-1) also

What is the minimum number of a number divided by 5, 6 and 7

The least common multiple of 5, 6 and 7 is 5 × 6 × 7 = 210
Then: 210 + 2 = 212
So, the minimum number is 212

1 flat angle=______ Right angle=______ Flat angle=______ Right angle

1 flat angle = 2 right angle 1 circle angle = 2 flat angle = 4 right angle, so the answer is: 2, 2, 4

Definition of right angle, horizontal angle and perimeter angle

A straight line rotating 90 degrees around the origin is called a right angle. A straight line rotating 180 degrees around the origin is called a flat angle
A straight line rotates 360 degrees around the origin, called the circumference

Answer the following questions in English 5:00 6:00 10:00 7:30______ /_______ 8:15______ /_______ 9:45______ /_______

5:00 five o‘clock
6:00 six o'clock
7: 30 half past seven or seven thirty
8: 15 a quarter past eight or eight fifth een
9: 45 a quarter to ten or nine forty five

Ask for 30 English words to express "good"
Such as excellent great wonderful
Advanced words

excellent,splendid outstanding fine wonderful
great nice cool classy first-rate
pretty affirmative kind bon okay
okeh plummy favor

Write two English expressions of the following time 3:10 4:15 6:50 9:40 7:30 12:25

The answer is: 1. Three ten, ten past three 2. Four fifth, a quarter past four 3. Six fifth, ten to seven 4. Nine fortune, twenty to ten 5. Seven third, half past seven 6. Two twenty five, twenty -- five past two

Write the following time in English: 9:30, 6:15, 12:45, 8:05, 7:50, 3:20

9:30:nine thirty;half past nine6:15:six fifteen;a quarter past six12:45 :twelve forty-five;a quarter to thirteen8:05:eight five;five past eight7:50:seven fifty ;ten to eight3:20:Three twent...