How many centimeters is 30 decimeters

How many centimeters is 30 decimeters

The advance rate of decimeter and centimeter is 10
Large units, small units multiplied by the rate of progress
A: 30 decimeters equals 300 centimeters

How many decimeters is 5 cm?

The conversion between centimeter and decimeter is 10 to 1, so 5cm is equal to 0.5decimeter

What's 27 nines


On March 10, 2011, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.8 occurred in Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province. 115 students in class A and class B of grade seven of experimental middle school donated money enthusiastically as soon as they heard the news. It is known that one third of the students in class a donated 10 yuan, two fifths of the students in class B donated 10 yuan, and the rest of the students in the two classes donated 5 yuan, Try to use the formula to express the total amount of donation of two classes and simplify it

If there are x people in class A, there are 115-x people in class B, so
=805-1/3 x

There are 14 pieces of donation to Yingjiang earthquake with 1 yuan and 5 yuan in two denominations, totaling 66 yuan. How many pieces of donation are there in each of the two denominations?

5 yuan: (66-1x14) / (5-1) = 13 (sheets)
1 yuan: 14-13 = 1 (sheet)

How big is the 58 inch LCD TV? How much is the length and width?


Why didn't the tsunami caused by Indonesia earthquake on December 26, 2004 affect China

1. Java island and Sumatra island in the South and southwest of Indonesia are the junction of Indian Ocean plate and Pacific plate. The plate is relatively active and prone to earthquakes
2. you'll see. China's position on these two islands is the direction of the two islands. After the tsunami, these two islands themselves block, and the energy is not easy to spread to China. Besides, there are many islands in Chinese mainland, which can effectively weaken energy.

On December 26, 2004, the epicenter of Indonesia's 9.0 Earthquake and tsunami was located in what direction of Jakarta and how many kilometers apart?

The source is at least 1400 kilometers away from Jakarta

How far is the tsunami on December 26, 2004 from the Indonesian capital, Jakarta

More than 3000 kilometers northwest of capital Jakarta

At 8:30 a.m. on December 26, 2004, an 8.9-magnitude earthquake occurred off the coast of Indonesia, causing a tsunami. 1500 kilometers away from the epicenter, a group of children were playing on the beach of Maldives
If they receive the warning, they will rush to the high ground 300 meters away from the coast without being swept away by the huge waves. The speed of the children's escape is 1.5m/s, but they will not be swept away by the huge waves. What is the running time of the children? The speed of the tsunami in the ocean is as high as 150m / s, and the time of the huge waves from the epicenter to the high ground? If so, when and seconds will the children receive the warning at the latest, and they can escape from death?

The running time of the children is 200s. The time of the huge wave from the epicenter to the highland is 10000. If so, the children can get the alarm at 8 o'clock at the latest and escape from death