To solve the equation: 3.2 out of 7 equals x + 8 out of 5

To solve the equation: 3.2 out of 7 equals x + 8 out of 5

The original price of a certain TV set is 6600 yuan. The first price cut is 10%, and the second price cut is 10%. How much is the current price of this kind of TV set?


Solve the equation: three fifths x plus one third x plus ten equals X

The original price of a TV set was 2600 yuan. Later, it was sold at a lower price for two times. The first price was reduced by one twentieth and the second price was reduced by three Twenty-six percent. How much is the current price?

Price after the first price reduction: 2600 × (1-1 / 20) = 2470 (yuan)
Price after the second price reduction: 2470 × (1-3 / 26) = 2185 (yuan)
A: the current price is 2185 yuan

3 (2x + 7) = 32 solution equation
Because I'm in grade five, I didn't learn division. I took the test today. I can't do it

X = 11 / 6

The price of a commodity has been raised by 10% twice in a row, and then it has been reduced by 20%. Has the commodity been sold now? What percentage has it made or lost?

It's a loss
Loss 1-96.8% = 3.2%

66-x = 32 and 30 △ x = 5


The original price of a color TV set is 2500 yuan, but now the price has been reduced by 400 yuan. How much is the price reduction?

400 △ 2500 = 16%; a: reduced by 16%

(x-32) × 5 = 11 to solve the equation

X = 2 and 1 / 5 + 32
X = 34 and 1 / 5

How much is a yuan for each color TV set at 30% price reduction
