The inverse theorem of Pythagorean theorem is that if the sum of the squares of two right angles equals the square of the hypotenuse, then the triangle is a right triangle?

The inverse theorem of Pythagorean theorem is that if the sum of the squares of two right angles equals the square of the hypotenuse, then the triangle is a right triangle?

The inverse theorem of Pythagorean theorem is:
A triangle is a right triangle if the sum of the squares of its two sides equals the square of its third side
The angle opposite the third side is a right angle

9x-5.6 = 12 to solve the equation


The original price of a TV set is 2600 yuan, and it will be sold at a discount of 9.5% during the May Day holiday. The merchant stipulates that 200 yuan will be given away if the price reaches 2000 yuan. How much does it actually cost to buy this kind of TV set?

2600 × 95% - 200 = 2470 - 200 = 2270 (yuan) a: it actually costs 2270 yuan to buy this kind of TV

How much square is a box 50 in length, 50 in width and 50 in height

Surface area = 2 (L × W + W × H + L × h) = 2 (50 × 50 + 50 × 50 + 50 × 50) = 2 × 7500 = 15000

How to solve the equation 9x = 5 (x + 12)


During the new year's day, Gome mall carried out high promotion and profit giving activities. The original price of a color TV set was 2800 yuan, and the current price was 1 / 4 yuan lower than the original price. How much is the current price?
It's 1 / 4, not 1 / 4!


How many square meters is 50 mu?

50 mu = 666.67 × 50 = 33333.5 M2

X-2 / 9x = 5 / 12


During the new year's day, a shopping mall engaged in promotional activities. The original price of a color TV set was 2800 yuan, and the current price was 2100 yuan. How much lower is it than before?


What's 375 degrees Fahrenheit equal to

In 1714, the German Fahrenheit used mercury as the temperature measuring medium,
The temperature of the mixture of ammonium chloride and ice water is selected as the zero degree of the thermometer,
The temperature of the human body is 100 degrees of that of the thermometer. The mercury thermometer is divided into 100 parts according to the volume expansion distance of mercury from 0 to 100 degrees,
Each portion is 1 degree Fahrenheit, denoted as "1 degree Fahrenheit". According to the Fahrenheit scale, the freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit and the boiling point is 212 degrees Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit scale is one of the experience scales, which is widely used in American daily life
The freezing point and boiling point of water at one atmospheric pressure are 32 degrees and 212 degrees respectively
Fahrenheit temperature is indicated by the letter "F"
The conversion relationship between it and centigrade temperature (℃) and Fahrenheit temperature (f) is
F = 9 / 5 ℃ + 32, or ℃ = 5 / 9 (f-32)