When a dress costs 100 yuan, the mall first raises the price by 10% and then reduces the price by 10%. How much is the current price?

When a dress costs 100 yuan, the mall first raises the price by 10% and then reduces the price by 10%. How much is the current price?

The current price is 100 × (1 + 1 / 10) * (1-1 / 10) = 99 yuan

How much is the current price equivalent to the original price?

The ratio of the original price to the present price is (process)

Let the original price be 1
After the price reduction, it's 4 / 5
After the price increase, 4 / 5x6 / 5 = 24 / 25
Original price: current price = 1:24 / 25 = 25:24