The original price of a certain brand TV is 2000 yuan, but now the price is increased by 500 yuan, and the sales volume is sharply reduced. It is decided to sell the TV at 85% of the price. How much is it now?

The original price of a certain brand TV is 2000 yuan, but now the price is increased by 500 yuan, and the sales volume is sharply reduced. It is decided to sell the TV at 85% of the price. How much is it now?


The price of a TV set is 1500 yuan, which is 300 yuan lower than the original price


There is a TV, the original price of 1200 yuan, down 300 yuan, the price dropped by several percent?

300 / 1200 = 25%; a: the price has dropped by 25%

1. The price of a TV set is 1700 yuan, which is 300 yuan lower than the original price. How much lower?
2. The original price of a TV set was 2000 yuan, but now it has been reduced by 300 yuan. How much has it been reduced?

Reduced by 15%
Reduced by 15%

The price of a color TV set is 1200 yuan, 300 yuan lower than the original price, several percent lower

It's down 25%

There is a TV, the original price of 1200 yuan, down 300 yuan, the price dropped by several percent?

300 / 1200 = 25%; a: the price has dropped by 25%

The price of a color TV is reduced by 200 yuan. The current price is 2000 yuan. How much is the price reduced?

It's the original price. 200 + 2000 = 2200

How much is the current price of a 100 yuan item, which is reduced by 10% and then increased by 10%?

100 × (1 + 10%) × (1-10%) = 100 × 1.1 × 0.9 = 110 × 0.9 = 99 yuan; answer: the current price is 99 yuan

The price of a DVD is reduced by 10% and then increased by 10%. The price is 792 yuan. How much is the original price?

Price before 10% price increase: 792 (1 + 10%) = 720 (yuan)
Original price: 720 (1-10%) = 800 (yuan)

Hongyuan electric appliance store has a color TV set. If it is sold at a price reduction of 10%, it will make a profit of 215 yuan. If it is sold at a price reduction of 20%, it will lose 125 yuan. So how much is the price of this color TV set?

Set the price as X Yuan (1-10%) x-215 = (1-20%) x + 125 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.1X = 340 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 3400 A: the price of this color TV is