Hongyuan electric appliance store has a color TV set. If it is sold at a price reduction of 10%, it will make a profit of 215 yuan. If it is sold at a price reduction of 20%, it will lose 125 yuan. So how much is the price of this color TV set?

Hongyuan electric appliance store has a color TV set. If it is sold at a price reduction of 10%, it will make a profit of 215 yuan. If it is sold at a price reduction of 20%, it will lose 125 yuan. So how much is the price of this color TV set?

Set the price as X Yuan (1-10%) x-215 = (1-20%) x + 125 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.1X = 340 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 3400 A: the price of this color TV is

The current price of a TV set is 1980 yuan, 720 yuan lower than the original price. What percentage is the current price?

About 64%

A batch of TV sets in a store, originally priced at 2500 yuan, are now sold at a 20% discount. If you want to make the monthly sales before and after the price reduction reach 100000 yuan, how many sets should be added to the monthly sales?

Suppose that the monthly sales volume should be increased by X units. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the following result: x = 10

A batch of TV sets in a store, originally priced at 2500 yuan, are now sold at a 20% discount. If you want to make the monthly sales before and after the price reduction reach 100000 yuan, how many sets should be added to the monthly sales?

Suppose that the monthly sales volume should be increased by X units. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the following result: x = 10

The original price of a TV set in a shopping mall was 2000 yuan, and now it is sold at a 20% discount. If you want to make the sales amount before and after the price reduction be 100000 yuan, how many more sets should be sold?
solve equations

100000 / (2000 * (1-0.8)) = 250 (excluding tax)

The original price of a TV set in a shopping mall was 2500 yuan, and now it is sold at a 20% discount. If you want to make the sales amount before and after the price reduction be 100000 yuan, how many sets will the sales increase?

10 sets

A batch of TV sets in a store, originally priced at 2500 yuan, are now sold at a 20% discount. If you want to make the monthly sales before and after the price reduction reach 100000 yuan, how many sets should be added to the monthly sales?

Suppose that the monthly sales volume should be increased by X units. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the following result: x = 10

A batch of TV sets in a store, originally priced at 2500 yuan, are now sold at a 20% discount. If you want to make the monthly sales before and after the price reduction reach 100000 yuan, how many sets should be added to the monthly sales?

Suppose that the monthly sales volume should be increased by X units. According to the meaning of the question, we can get the following result: x = 10

The original price of a kind of picture album is 6.9 yuan, but now it is sold at 70% of the original price. How much cheaper is this kind of picture album?

6.9 × (1-70%) = 6.9 × 0.3 = 2.07 yuan; a: this kind of picture album is 2.07 yuan cheaper

If the original price of this product is 1000 yuan, it is now () yuan cheaper

In general:
A product is sold at a 70% discount, which means that the current price is (70%) of the original price
If the original price of this product was 1000 yuan, now it is (300) yuan cheaper
(for reference only)