1. 75% of a number is 60 greater than one fourth of it. What is the number? 2. 80 minus 60% of a number equals 20. What is the number?

1. 75% of a number is 60 greater than one fourth of it. What is the number? 2. 80 minus 60% of a number equals 20. What is the number?

1. 75% of a number is 60 larger than one fourth of it. This number is 60 / (75% - 1 / 4) = 120
2.80 minus 60% of a number equals 20. This number is (80-20) / 60% = 100

When a number is expanded to 100 times its size, it is 100.98 times larger than the original number______ .

Let the original number of this number be x, then it will be 100x later. According to the meaning of the question, 100x-x = 100.98, & nbsp; & nbsp; 99x = 100.98, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 1.02; so the answer is: 1.02

A, B, C three people to solve 100 mathematical problems, each solved 60 of them, a, B, C three people to solve 100 mathematical problems
A, B, C three people solve 100 mathematical problems. Each person has solved 60 of them, and the problem solved by only one person is called "difficult problem". The problem solved by three people is called "easy problem", and the problem solved by only two people is called "medium problem". Is the difficult problem more or less than the easy problem? If more, how many more? If less, how many less?
The inner one is solved by a system of linear equations of two variables
Please help me
Ah, ah, ah, is there anyone,,,,,,,,,,
OK, give it to me
Ten minutes - well, no one's here yet --

Suppose the problem is x, the medium problem is y, and the easy problem is Z, because there are 100 problems in total. If there are no problems that have not been solved, then there are no problems
x+y+z=100 …… ①
Each person has solved 60 of them. If two people solve the medium problem and add it up, it will be calculated twice. If three people solve the easy problem and add it up, it will be calculated three times
x+2y+3z=180 …… ②
① X 2 - 2
X-z = 20, i.e
There are 20 more difficult questions than easy ones

There are 2 students aged 90 to 100, 3 students aged 80 to 89, 8 students aged 70 to 79 and 5 students aged 60 to 69
What is the percentage over 80?

Over 80 years old include:
There are two people aged 90 to 100 and three people aged 80 to 89
So the total number is five
And the whole group has: 2 + 3 + 8 + 5 = 18 people
That is, 5 / 18 = 0.27777 That is 27.8%

1. How much is less than 32 4% 2. 80 is the percentage of 100 3. 100 is the percentage of 80 4. 80 is less than 100 5. 100 is more than 80 6
Less is 20% of 50. 7.50 is 25% more than who. 8. How much is less than 30? 30% has a formula

How much is less than 32 4% 32 × (1-4%) = 32 × 96% = 60.722.80 is the percentage of 100 80 / 100 = 80% 3.100 is the percentage of 80 100 / 80 = 12554.80 is less than 100 (100-80) / 100 = 20% 5.100 is more than 80 (100-80) / 80 = 25% 6

The original price of a computer is 4800 yuan, which is reduced by one fifth. How much is the price reduced? How much is the current price?

Price reduction = 4800 × 1 / 5 = 960 yuan
Current price = 4800-960 = 3840 yuan

The price of an induction cooker in sunshine supermarket is 320 yuan, 80 yuan cheaper than the original price. How much lower is the price of induction cooker?

A: the price of induction cooker has been reduced by 20%

The price of a kind of clothing has been reduced by one fifth, and the price is 96 yuan. How much is the original price of this kind of clothing?
We need to work out the formula

This is very simple, the original price = 96 / (1-0.2) = 120

The original price of a computer is 5000 yuan. First reduce the price by 1 / 2, then increase the price by 1 / 10. How much is the current price?

The unit price of first reducing 1 / 2 is 5000 × 1 / 2, then increasing 1 / 10 is 5000 × 1 / 2 × (1 + 1 / 10)
So the formula is 5000 × 1 / 2 × (1 + 1 / 10)
=2570 yuan
If you don't understand, you can ask! If you are satisfied, please accept it in time_ ∩)O

The current price of a computer is 5000 yuan, which is 20% lower than the original price. How much is the price reduction of this computer?

Suppose the original price is x, then the current price is 4 / 5 x, and we find that x = 6250, which reduces the price by 1250 yuan