The original price of a barrel of peanut oil is 80. The price of a barrel of peanut oil is 80 yuan. Now the price is 20 yuan higher than before

The original price of a barrel of peanut oil is 80. The price of a barrel of peanut oil is 80 yuan. Now the price is 20 yuan higher than before

The current price is 25% higher than the original price

The original price of a barrel of peanut oil was 80 yuan. Now the price is 20 eyes higher than before. Now the price is several percent higher than before


1. The original price of a barrel of peanut oil was 80 yuan, but now the price is 20 yuan higher than the original price. How much higher is the current price? 2. A bag of chemical fertilizer costs 40%. The rest is 10 kg more than the one used. How many kg does this bag of chemical fertilizer weigh?

1. Improved
=50 (kg)

The purchase price of a certain brand TV was 1000 yuan, and the selling price was 1400 yuan. Later, digital TV appeared, and the store was ready to sell it at a discount, and the profit was 12%··
The purchase price of a certain brand TV is 1000 yuan, and the selling price is 1400 yuan. Later, digital TV appeared, and the store prepared to sell it at a discount. When the profit is 12%, the store gave a discount

Set up a store with a discount of Y,
Then 1400x (Y / 10) = 1000x (1 + 12%)
The solution is y = 8
So the shop gave a 20% discount

In order to promote the sales of a certain commodity with a purchase price of 1000 yuan, a store posted an advertisement with a 20% discount on the price. At this time, the profit margin of the commodity is 20%,

What are you looking for? If you price it
Set the price as X
The solution is: x = 15000
A: the price is 15000 yuan

The price ratio of LCD TV of brand a and brand B is 4:7. If brand B TV is 2700 yuan more expensive than brand a TV, how much are the prices of these two brands?

7-4 = 32700 △ 3 = 900 (yuan), 900 × 4 = 3600 (yuan), 900 × 7 = 6300 (yuan). A: the price of LCD TV of brand a is 3600 yuan, and that of Brand B is 6300 yuan

If you sell a color TV set with a price of 1840 yuan at ordinary times, the merchant can earn 15%. If you sell it at 1680 yuan, the merchant can earn 15%
9: personal income tax should be paid at the rate of 5% if the monthly income exceeds 1600
Xiao Ming's father's salary is 2100 yuan this month. How much is his personal income tax?
Liu Xin's father pays 24 yuan of personal income tax this month. Compared with Liu Xin's father, which one has a higher salary? How much is Liu Xin's father's salary this month
10: Ginger, brown sugar and water in accordance with the quality of 20:5:75 with good after suffering. Xiaojun drink 246 grams of ginger soup, need ginger, brown sugar and water how many grams?
11: The distance between a and B is 405 km. A car drives from a to B for 180 km in 4 hours. How many km does it take for the car to complete the whole journey?
In this problem, () is certain, () and () are proportional
12: The fruit shop bought 150 kg of oranges, 30 kg less than 75% of apples. How many kg of apples did the fruit shop buy?
13: The natatorium is like an empty swimming pool with a length of 50 meters, a width of 25 meters and a depth of 1.6 meters. After 0.6 hours, the water depth reaches 0.2 meters. In this way, how many hours can the pool be filled?
14: The distance between a and B is 600 kilometers. The truck and the train start from the two places at the same time. After three hours, the ratio of the distance between the two cars and the rest is 2:3. How many hours will it take for the truck and the truck to meet?
15: For a three digit number, the number on the ten digit number is 5, and the sum of the hundred digit number and the number on you is nine. This three digit number is 99 larger than his reverse ordinal number
16: Decode the code. There's a six digit code
The six digit number is between 800000 and 900000, and the thousand digit number is 0, the ten digit number is 4, and the hundred digit number is the same as the single digit number. The quotient of the three digit number composed of 100000, 10000 and 1000 digits divided by the two digit number composed of the percentile and ten digits is 35. The six digit number is ()
17: It took six hours for a car to go from a to B, but it sped up when it returned. It took only five hours for a car to travel 8 kilometers more per hour than before
18: A and B trains set out from both places at the same time and meet on the way 5 hours later. It is known that it takes 9 hours for a train to complete the whole journey. A train travels 48 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers per hour does a train travel?
19: It is known that the speed ratio of a and B is 3:4. According to this speed, if the two cars want to meet at the midpoint of AB, how many hours ahead of time does car a leave?
20: The kindergarten teacher gives the children apples and peaches. The number of apples is three times that of peaches. The teacher gives each child five apples and two peaches. When the peaches are finished, there are still 20 apples left. How many apples are there?
How many do you want?

A boutique clothing store sold two different brands of clothing, one of which earned 1 / 5, the other lost 1 / 5, and both clothes sold for 600 yuan
Did you earn or lose?

The original price of the lost one: 600 / (1-1 / 5) = 750 yuan
This one lost: 750-600 = 150 yuan
The original price: 600 / (1 + 1 / 5) = 500 yuan
This one earned: 600-500 = 100 yuan
In the end: 150-100 = 50 yuan

A boutique sold two different brands of clothing, one of which earned 1 / 5, the other lost 1 / 5, and the price of both clothes was 600 yuan
Please calculate: did the clothing store make or lose in this sales? If so, how much did it make? If so, how much did it lose?

If the purchase price of the first brand is n and the selling price is 600, then n + 1 / 5N = 600 and N = 500. If the purchase price of the second brand is x and the selling price is 600, then 600-x = - 1 / 5x and x = 750. If the first brand earns 100 and the second brand loses 150, the total loss is 50

Hongyuan electric appliance store has a color TV set. If it is sold at a price reduction of 10%, it will make a profit of 215 yuan. If it is sold at a price reduction of 20%, it will lose 125 yuan. So how much is the price of this color TV set?

Set the price as X Yuan (1-10%) x-215 = (1-20%) x + 125 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 0.1X = 340 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 3400 A: the price of this color TV is 3400 yuan