1. In the first quarter of 2005, China's plasma color TV shipment was 136000 units, 33% higher than that in the fourth quarter of 2004, and its share in the global plasma color TV market has increased from 9% to 15% 2. There are 125 black, white and red balls in total. If the number of white balls: the number of red balls = 5:6, the number of red balls: the number of black balls = 4:1, then how many balls are there in each type?

1. In the first quarter of 2005, China's plasma color TV shipment was 136000 units, 33% higher than that in the fourth quarter of 2004, and its share in the global plasma color TV market has increased from 9% to 15% 2. There are 125 black, white and red balls in total. If the number of white balls: the number of red balls = 5:6, the number of red balls: the number of black balls = 4:1, then how many balls are there in each type?

Question 2: white ball: red ball: black ball = 20:24:6
125 divided by 50 = 2.5
White ball = 20 × 2.5
Red ball = 24 × 2.5
Black ball = 2.5 × 6
Should be facing it

An enterprise deposits 200000 yuan with two different interest rates in the bank. It is known that the annual interest rate of a deposit is 2.5%, and the annual interest rate of B deposit is 2.25%. After one year, the enterprise's pre tax interest is 4850 yuan. How many ten thousand yuan are the deposits of a and B?

If a deposit is x yuan, B deposit is (200000-x) yuan
X = 350 / 0.25% = 140000 = 140000
200000-x = 60000 = 60000
A: a deposit is 140000 yuan, B deposit is 60000 yuan

1. It is known that a is an integer which is not zero, and the equation AX = 2A & sup3; - 3A & sup2; - 5A + 4 about X has an integer root, then the value of a is zero___ individual
2. Find the integer solution of the equation | ab | + | a + B | = 1 about a and B
3. Find the positive integer solution of 7x + 11y
4. Replace 103 / 35 with 5 and 7 as the sum of the two fractions of the denominator, and find the sum of the two digits
5. 1 / 3 = 1 / A + 1 / B, A. B is a positive integer and a > b, find a and B
The positive integer solution of problem 7x + 11y = 276

Ax = 2A & sup3; - 3A & sup2; - 5A + 4, because a ≠ 0, so
And a is an integer, that is, 2A & sup2; - 3a-5 is an integer, so as long as 4 / A is an integer, that is, X has an integer root, so a = 1, - 1,2, - 2,4, - 4
So the value of a is_ 6_ individual
|Ab | + | a + B | = 1, if a and B are integers, AB and a + B are integers, and | ab | ≥ 0, | a + B | ≥ 0, then | a + B | = 0 when | ab | = 1, or | a + B | = 1 when | ab | = 0
If | a + B | = 0, that is, a + B = 0, a = - B, so | ab | = | - B | = B & sup2;, there are two groups of solutions B = 1, a = - 1; b = - 1, a = 1
If | a + B | = 1, | ab | = 0, we can get four groups of solutions, a = 0, B = 1; a = 0, B = - 1; a = 1, B = 0; a = - 1, B = 0
7x + 11y = 276, if x and y are positive integers, then
Y = (276-7x) △ 11 > 0, and it is an integer
So (276-7x) △ 11 = 25 + 1 / 11-7x / 11 = 25 - (7x-1) / 11
So (7x-1) / 11 is less than 25 and is a positive integer
Then 7x-1 is a multiple of 11, and 7x-1 = 55 can be divisible by 11 when x = 8, so 7x-1 can also be divisible by 11 when x = 8 + 11n (n ≥ 0 and is an integer)
So x = 8, 19, 30, 41
When x = 41, (7x-1) / 11 = (7 × 41-1) △ 11 = 26 > 25, so x = 8, 19, 30
So the equation is solved
From the meaning of the title
X / 5 + Y / 7 = 103 / 35, X and y are positive integers
Then 7x + 5Y = 103
If x is a positive integer, then 14-5 (Y-1) / 7 is a positive integer, so 5 (Y-1) / 7 is less than 14, and is a positive integer, so Y-1 is a multiple of 7, y = 8, 15, 22
When y = 22, 5 (Y-1) / 7 = 5 × (22-1) / 7 = 15 > 14
So y = 8 or 15, and the solution of the equation
So the scores are 9 / 5 and 8 / 7, or 4 / 5 and 15 / 7, respectively
1 / 3 = 1 / A + 1 / B can be changed into b = 3A / (A-3)
B = 3A / (A-3) = (3a-9) / (A-3) + 9 / (A-3) = 3 + 9 / (A-3), that is, B = 3 + 9 / (A-3)
If a and B are positive integers, then 9 / (A-3) is an integer, so a = 4 or 12
Because a > b, a = 12, B = 4

Use a calculator to do the calculation for me
If Tan α = 3.2351, then ∠α=
I just put my watch in school
And then there is
In the isosceles triangle ABC, ab = AC = 3, BC = 2, then ∠ B=
(both results are accurate to 1 ″)

In the isosceles triangle ABC, ab = AC = 3, BC = 2,
Then CoSb = (BC / 2) / AB = 1 / 3 = 0.333

The price of a garment is 100 yuan. If you sell it at a 60% discount, you can still make a profit of 20 yuan. How much is the price of this garment?


The price of a garment is 100 yuan. It is priced at 40% of the profit. Later, it is sold at a 20% discount. Ask about the price, price, profit and profit margin
Using the method of profit problem to solve

Price 140, price 112, profit 12, profit margin 12%

Profit: if a garment costs 50 yuan and sells for 100 yuan, is the profit 50% or 100%?

(excluding other freight and other expenses) the cost profit rate is 100%. The purchase price is 50 yuan, the sales price is 100 yuan, the profit is 50 yuan, the profit rate is 50 / 50 * 100%. The sales profit rate is 50%, that is 50 / 100 * 100%
1. Cost profit margin. The profit obtained from the cost of sales, reflecting the relationship between cost and profit
2. Profit margin of sales. Profit from sales revenue, reflecting the relationship between sales revenue and profit

What's the profit of selling clothes with a purchase price of 60 yuan for 100 yuan?

In addition to the investment of about 100 / 30

The price of a garment is 1260 yuan. If it is sold at 20% discount, it is still 80% higher than the purchase price. How much is the purchase price of this garment?

20% discount for 1260 = 1008
Selling at 20% discount is still 80% higher than the purchase price = 1008 - (1008 * 80% = 806.4) = 201.6
The purchase price is 201.6 yuan

1. The purchase price of a certain garment is 120 yuan. When it is sold at 20% discount, the profit margin is 20%. How much is the price of each garment?
2. It takes 80 hours for one person to finish sorting out a batch of data. Now, it is planned that some people will do it for 2 hours first, and then 5 people will do it for 8 hours. Three quarters of this work will be completed. How many people should be assigned to work first?

1. 150 yuan (120 / 0.8) = 150
2. 10 people