The original price of a washing machine is 1450 yuan. Now it is sold at a 20% discount, but the price is still higher than the cost. 19. How much is the cost of this washing machine?

The original price of a washing machine is 1450 yuan. Now it is sold at a 20% discount, but the price is still higher than the cost. 19. How much is the cost of this washing machine?

1450 × (1-20%) / (1 + 19), = 1450 × 0.8 × 910, = 1044 yuan. A: the cost of this washing machine is 1044 yuan

The original price of a washing machine is 2000 yuan, but now it is reduced by a quarter, but the price is still one ninth higher than the cost. What is the cost of this washing machine?

Cost price = 2000 * (3 / 4) / (1 + 1 / 9) = 1350

The original price of a washing machine is 1450 yuan. Now it is sold at a 20% discount, but the price is still higher than the cost. 19. How much is the cost of this washing machine?

1450 × (1-20%) / (1 + 19), = 1450 × 0.8 × 910, = 1044 yuan. A: the cost of this washing machine is 1044 yuan

The original price of a washing machine is 2000 yuan, but now it is reduced by 1 / 4, but the price is still 1 / 9 higher than the cost. How much is the cost of this washing machine?
It's better to have a quantitative relationship!

Analysis: cost × (1 + 1 / 9) = current price
Original price × (1 - 1 / 4) = current price
2000×(1 -1/4)÷(1+ 1/9)
=2000× 3/4 ÷ 10/9
=1500 ÷ 10/9
=1350 yuan
A: the cost of this washing machine is 1350 yuan
I hope my answer will help you