The largest two digits are smaller than the smallest three digits______ %25 is more than its reciprocal______ %.

The largest two digits are smaller than the smallest three digits______ %25 is more than its reciprocal______ %.

(1) The largest two digit is 99, the smallest three digit is 100; (100-99) △ 100, = 1 △ 100, = 1%; (2) 1 △ 1.25 = 0.8; (1.25-0.8) △ 0.8, = 0.45 △ 0.8, = 56.25%; so the answer is: 1, 56.25

The price of a suit of sportswear was first raised by 10% and then reduced by 10%. What is the current price


The price of a commodity is increased by 10% and then decreased by 10%
1 is cheaper than before
2 is more expensive than before
3 the same as before
None of the above is true

Price rise: 100x (1 + 10%) = 110
Price reduction: 110x (1-10%) = 99

How much is the current price

One hundred percent