After a 10% reduction in the price of a washing machine, the current price is 711 yuan per set. How much is the original price

After a 10% reduction in the price of a washing machine, the current price is 711 yuan per set. How much is the original price

711 ÷ (1-10 / 10)
=711 △ 9 / 10
=790 yuan
A: the original price is 790 yuan

The price of a washing machine is 595 yuan after 15% price reduction

The original price is 700 yuan per set

After a 15% price reduction, the price of a washing machine is 595 yuan. How much is the original price of this washing machine?

Remember: know the standard quantity, find the comparison quantity, and use multiplication. Know the comparison quantity, find the standard quantity, and use division. (for example, a is 15% more than B, a is the comparison quantity, and B is the standard quantity). Use (1 + X%) more and (1-x%) less