The refrigerator is 2480 yuan and the electric fan is 320 yuan. How much is the refrigerator more expensive than the electric fan?

The refrigerator is 2480 yuan and the electric fan is 320 yuan. How much is the refrigerator more expensive than the electric fan?

The answer is 575% (for reference only)
Let: X; have the following formula (1 + X / 100) * 320 = 2480-320, and the solution is x = 575

1 / 3 + 2 / 3 + 1 / 6 + 2 / 6 + 3 / 6 + 4 / 6 + 5 / 6 + 1 / 9 + 2 / 9 + 3 / 9 + 4 / 9 + 5 / 9 + 6 / 9 + 7 / 9 + 8 / 9 +. What is the number in 2011?

When the denominator is 3N, there are 3n-1 terms,
There are 2 + 5 + 8 + +3n-1 = (3N & # 178; + n) / 2 terms
When n = 36 (3N & # 178; + n) / 2 = 19622011
So the denominator of the number 2011 is 3 × 37 = 111, and the numerator is 2011-1962 = 49
So the 2011 number is 49 / 111

The electricity consumption in September is 2 / 7 less than that in August, and the electricity consumption in September is equivalent to several parts of that in August
