One third of the number a is 2 less than the number B. one half of the number a is five fourths of the number B. what is the sum of the number a and the number B?

One third of the number a is 2 less than the number B. one half of the number a is five fourths of the number B. what is the sum of the number a and the number B?

B is a: 1 / 2 △ 5 / 4 = 2 / 5
A is: 2 (2 / 5-1 / 3) = 30
B: 30 × 1 / 3 + 2 = 12
The sum of a and B numbers 30 + 12 = 42

Number a is half of number B. how many percent more than number a and how many percent less than number B

(1 - 1/2) ÷ 1/2 = 100%
A: B is 100% more than a
(1 -1/2) ÷ 1 = 50%
A: A is 50% less than B

The sum of two continuous natural numbers is 15, their greatest common factor is (), and their least common multiple is ()

First of all, we need to make sure that these two numbers are 7 and 8 ', then we know that the greatest common factor is 1 and the least common multiple is 56!