The length and width of a rectangle are 8cm and 5cm respectively. The length and width of the rectangle are used for sleeve rotation (as shown in the figure) to form two cylinders The length of a rectangle is 8cm and the width is 5cm. The length and width of the rectangle are used for sleeve rotation (as shown in the figure) to form two cylinders. Compare the volume of these two cylinders, which one is larger? How much bigger?

The length and width of a rectangle are 8cm and 5cm respectively. The length and width of the rectangle are used for sleeve rotation (as shown in the figure) to form two cylinders The length of a rectangle is 8cm and the width is 5cm. The length and width of the rectangle are used for sleeve rotation (as shown in the figure) to form two cylinders. Compare the volume of these two cylinders, which one is larger? How much bigger?

Volume ratio?
Area ratio?
Cylinder height ratio?

Take the length of a rectangle of 6cm long and 2.5cm wide as the axis, rotate it for one circle to get a cylinder, and calculate the side area of the cylinder
And the surface area!

Take length as axis, rotate one circle, height is 6cm, bottom radius is 25cm
Side area: 3.14 × 2.5 × 2 × 6 = 94.2 (square centimeter)
Surface area: 3.14 × 2.5 ^ 2 × 2 + 94.2 = 133.45 (cm2)

Rotate the lower rectangle with 5cm edge for one circle, and you will get a cylinder. Its surface area is 226.08, and its volume is cubic centimeter

Suppose the other side of the rectangle is 10cm: rotate the rectangle in the right figure around the 5cm long side to get a (cylinder) with a surface area of (942) square centimeter and a volume of (1570) cubic centimeter

Rotate the cuboid 5cm in length and 3cm in width around the length and width respectively to get two different geometries. Which one is bigger?

(P for PI)
Take the length as the axis and turn it into a cylinder. The bottom of the cylinder takes the width as the radius and the height as the length
The volume is 5 * (3 * 3 * P) = 45p
Take the width as the axis to complete a cylinder, the bottom of the cylinder is the length as the radius, and the height as the width
The volume is 3 * (5 * 5 * P) = 75p