If the front view and top view of a triangular prism with equal edge lengths are square and regular triangle respectively, then the left view is () A. Rectangle B. square C. diamond D. regular triangle

If the front view and top view of a triangular prism with equal edge lengths are square and regular triangle respectively, then the left view is () A. Rectangle B. square C. diamond D. regular triangle

The height of the left view of the triangular prism must be the edge length, and the width is equal to the height of the regular triangle in the top view. This height must be less than the edge length, so the left view is rectangular. So select a

If the front view and top view of a triangular prism with equal length of all edges are square and regular triangle respectively, the front view is square
One side of the rectangle is the length of the edge, and the other side is the height of the bottom. Do you think I think it's a square

If the front view and top view of a triangular prism with equal length of all edges are square and regular triangle respectively, the front view is square
You said that the main view and the top view are square and regular triangle respectively. Of course, the main view is square~
However, the left view is a rectangle, with the edge length on both sides and the height of the regular triangle in the top view!

If the front view and top view of a triangular prism with equal edge lengths are square and regular triangle respectively, then the left view is ()
A. Rectangle B. square C. diamond D. regular triangle

The height of the left view of the triangular prism must be the edge length, and the width is equal to the height of the regular triangle in the top view. This height must be less than the edge length, so the left view is rectangular. So select a

The direct view and three views of triangular prism abc-a1b1c1 (the main view and top view are square, and the left view is isosceles right triangle) are shown in the figure, D is the midpoint of AC. (1) verification: Ab1 ‖ plane bdc1; (2) verification: A1C ⊥ plane bdc1; (3) calculation of the tangent value of dihedral angle a-bc1-d

(1) Prove: from the three views, the geometry is straight triangular abc-a1b1c1, the side b1c1cb is a square with side length of 2, the bottom ABC is an isosceles right triangle, ab ⊥ BC, ab = BC = 2 In △ cab1, O and D are the midpoint of B1C and AC, respectively

If the front view and top view of a triangular prism with equal edge lengths are square and regular triangle respectively, then the left view is ()
A. Rectangle B. square C. diamond D. regular triangle

The height of the left view of the triangular prism must be the edge length, and the width is equal to the height of the regular triangle in the top view. This height must be less than the edge length, so the left view is rectangular. So select a

The front view and the top view are the same rectangle, and the left view is a square. What is the object


We see the sky is blue on the earth. Why is it black on the moon

Why is the sky black on the moon? We need to find out why the sky is blue on the earth first. Here is a concept of "Rayleigh scattering" (for details, you can check Baidu Encyclopedia). The sky originally has no color, but the light refracts in the clouds, so it looks blue. The sunlight passes through the light

Different colors on the globe have different meanings. Blue means (), green means (), yellow means (), brown means ()

Green: Plain
Yellow Brown: Hill / Mountain / plateau, the darker the color, the higher
Light blue: Lake
Dark blue line: River
Different shades of blue: Ocean, the darker the color, the darker
White: snow

White, green, blue, brown

white green blue brown yellow

Yellow and blue pigments are known to mix to produce green pigments
It is known that yellow pigment and blue pigment can be mixed to produce green pigment. In a dark room, when a beam of green light is used to illuminate a piece of yellow paper, we can see the color of the paper

Both yellow and blue light reflect, so it still looks green