The right figure ABCD is a right angled trapezoid. Take CD as the axis and rotate the trapezoid around this axis to get a rotating body. How many cubic centimeters is its volume?

The right figure ABCD is a right angled trapezoid. Take CD as the axis and rotate the trapezoid around this axis to get a rotating body. How many cubic centimeters is its volume?

If you rotate with the waist as the right angle side, it is the difference between the volume of the big rhomboid and that of the small rhomboid. If you rotate with the bottom as the right angle side, it is the difference between the volume of the cylinder and that of the middle small rhomboid

As shown in the figure, ab ∥ DC, ab = 7cm, BC = CD = 4cm in right angle trapezoid ABCD. Take the straight line where AB is as the axis to rotate for one circle to get a geometry and calculate its full area

In ∵ RT △ AOD, Ao = 7-4 = 3cm, OD = 4cm, ∵ ad = 42 + 32 = 5cm, ∵ the surface area of the obtained geometry is π × 4 × 5 + π × 4 × 2 × 4 + π × 4 × 4 = 68 π cm2. Therefore, its total area is 68 π cm2

In known trapezoidal ABCD, ab ∥ CD, ∠ B = Π / 2, DC = 2Ab = 2BC = 2, the surface area of the geometry obtained by rotating a circle around the straight line ad is ()
A 4√2∏ B 7/2√2∏ C 3√2∏ D 2√2∏

The geometry obtained after rotation is: ab forms the concave cone side, BC forms the cone side, CD forms the large cone side
The area of the concave cone and the side of the frustum is just equal to that of the large cone
Large cone side area S1 = 2 √ 2 π · 2 / 2 = 2 √ 2 π

As shown in the figure, in the right angle trapezoid ABCD, AB is parallel to CD, ab ⊥ BC, ∠ a = 60 °, BC = 2 root sign 3. DC = 3, rotate one circle with the straight line where AB is located as the axis, and calculate the

The volume and surface area of the geometry formed by rotating a circle with ab as the axis? The geometry formed by rotating a circle with ab as the axis is a combination of cylinder and cone, with bottom radius length = BC = 2 root sign 3; make de perpendicular to AB, perpendicular foot e, de = BC = 2 root sign 3; EB = CD = 3; ∠ ade = 90 ° - a = 30 °

It is known that the side ab of a cube ABCD has a length of 2. If a geometry is formed by taking a straight line of its side AB as the axis of rotation, then the volume of the geometry is
Process thank you

The geometry is a cylinder with 2 times radius, 2 times root sign and 2 times height
Volume = (2 times the square of radical 2) × π × 2

As shown in the figure, in the known rectangle ABCD, ab = 2, BC = 4, rotate the rectangle around one side, and the area of the enclosed geometry is

When the enclosed geometry is a cylinder with the side of the rotation axis as the height and the other side as the radius, the surface area of x0d geometry is: 2 * π * AB ^ 2 + 2 π * AB * BC = 24 π the surface area of x0d geometry is: 2 * π * BC ^ 2 + 2 π * BC * AB = 48 π

As shown in the figure, ABCD is a rectangle, ab = 4, ad = 6. Is the volume of two cylinders obtained by rotating around AB and BC the same?
Hope everyone to reply soon

When AB is high, the volume is large

As shown in the figure, in the pyramid p-abcd, the side pad ⊥ bottom ABCD, PA = PD = 2, and the bottom ABCD is a right angle trapezoid, where BC is parallel to ad, AB is vertical to ad, ad = 2Ab = 2BC = 2 root 2
1》 Finding the angle between PC and pad
2》 Find the size of dihedral angle a-pb-c

Take the midpoint e of Da, link CE and PE, because PA = PD = 2, then PE ⊥ ad, then CE = root 2, PEC ⊥ bottom ABCD, PC = 2, because AB is vertical ad, ad = 2Ab = 2BC = 2, root 2, then PEC ⊥ side APD is calculated, PE = root 2, CE = root 2, then the angle between PC and pad is 45 degrees, make AF ⊥ Pb intersection from a to F, connect CF

As shown in the figure, in ladder ABCD, ad ‖ BC, ab = DC, P is a point outside the ladder ABCD, PA and PD intersect BC at points E and f respectively, and PA = PD. (1) write three pairs of triangles that you think are congruent in the graph (no auxiliary lines are added); (2) select any pair of congruent triangles that you write in (1) to prove

(1) (2) the following is the reference answer of △ ABP ≌ DCP; (2) the following is the reference answer of 8780 ≌ DCP; ② \ \≌ DCF; ③ \\\\\ \\\\\\\indcp ∵ PA = PD ∠ BAP = - ∠CDPAB=DC∴△ABP≌△DCP.

As shown in the figure, in the pyramid p-abcd, PA ⊥ plane ABCD, bottom ABCD is right angle trapezoid, ab ⊥ ad, CD ⊥ ad, CD = 2Ab, e is the midpoint (1) verification: plane PDC ⊥ plane pad (2) verification: be ∥ plane pad

1. PA ⊥ planar ABCD, PA ⊥ cdcd ⊥ ad CD ⊥ planar padcd is in planar PDC, so planar PDC ⊥ planar PaD2. E is the midpoint of PC, take PD midpoint m, connect em, aMEM / / = 1 / 2cdab / / = 1 / 2cdem / / = AB quadrilateral, EMAb is parallelogram, so be / / AMBE is outside planar pad, am is in planar pad, so be