It is known that there is a square side of a cuboid paperless box, and the length of two edges is 4cm and 5cm respectively. The surface area and volume of the box are calculated

It is known that there is a square side of a cuboid paperless box, and the length of two edges is 4cm and 5cm respectively. The surface area and volume of the box are calculated

If the bottom surface is square (the units are omitted below)
If the side is square
Hope to help you oh, pro~

It is known that there is a square side of a cuboid paperless box, and the length of two edges is 4cm and 5cm respectively. The surface area and volume of the box are calculated
Six cuboids with 10 cm long edges are stacked together to form a cuboid, and the surface area of the cuboid is calculated
Color the six sides of a cuboid that is 4cm long, 3cm wide and 6cm high with blue, and then saw the cuboid to get a small cube with an edge length of 1cm.
① How many cubes are there with three faces painted blue
② How many cubes are there with two sides painted blue
③ How many small blue cubes are there on a surface

One face is square - well, if only one face is square, then this face must be the bottom, and then the length and width are equal. There are two schemes:
1 length = width = 4 height = 5
2 length = width = 5 height = 4
Calculate separately

A cube carton without cover, the edge length is 6cm, its surface area is______ .

6 × 6 × 5, = 36 × 5, = 180 (square centimeter); answer: the surface area of this carton is 180 square centimeter

Known three edges are 9 cm, 6 cm, 5 cm cuboid lidless carton, its volume and surface area

1. Volume is volume
V = length × width × height = 9 × 6 × 5 = 270 cubic centimeter;
2. The surface area is the sum of the areas of each surface
S = 2 (9 × 6 + 6 × 5 + 5 × 9) - 9 × 6 = 208 square centimeter