Pythagorean theorem: the perimeter of an isosceles triangle is sixteen, and the height of its bottom is four

Pythagorean theorem: the perimeter of an isosceles triangle is sixteen, and the height of its bottom is four

Let the bottom edge be x and the waist be y, we can get: x + 2Y = 16 = = = > > y = 8-x / 2; (x / 2) 2 + 16 = Y2, take y = 8-x / 2 into the second equation,; (x / 2) 2 + 16 = (8-x / 2) 2, solve the equation to get x = 6, so the area s = 1 / 2 (6 * 4) = 12, I hope it can help you!

How to find the area of an isosceles triangle with Pythagorean theorem

Let the length of the two waists be x, then the length of the oblique side be root 2x, and the height of the oblique side be H
Area = half of the product of two waists = hypotenuse * h * 1 / 2

Can Pythagorean theorem be proved by isosceles triangle

Pythagorean theorem is used in right triangles. It can be proved by right triangles all at once. If isosceles triangles can be proved, those famous mathematicians have proved it for a long time. Unless isosceles right triangles are used, it is impossible to prove it!

If the circumference of an isosceles triangle is 16 and the height of its base is 4, its area is______ .

Let the waist length of an isosceles triangle be x, and its bottom edge can be expressed as (16-2x) according to the circumference. According to the three lines of an isosceles triangle in one, half of the bottom edge is (8-x). According to the Pythagorean theorem, we get: x2 = 42 + (8-x) 2, and the solution is: x = 5, then the bottom edge = 16-2x = 6. According to the area formula of the triangle, we can calculate: 12 × 6 × 4 = 12