A round flower bed with a circumference of 25.25, what is the floor area of this flower bed Please help me figure it out, thank you!

A round flower bed with a circumference of 25.25, what is the floor area of this flower bed Please help me figure it out, thank you!

The area formula of circle: S = π R2
The circumference formula of circle: l = 2 π R
First, we calculate the radius r = 25.25 / (3.14 * 2) = 4.02
So the area is s = π * 12.625 / π * 12.625 / π

The perimeter of a circular flower bed is 25.12, and the ring width is 1. How many square meters does the flower bed cover

The known circumference is 25.12
Formula C circle = 2 π r = π D
Small circle area = round flower bed = π R & sup2; = [(12.56 / π) - 1] & sup2; * π = (12.56 - π) & sup2; / π

Xingguang primary school has a round flower bed with a perimeter of 25.12m. What is the floor area of this flower bed?
How many times can a 1570cm long copper wire be wound on a circular coil with a radius of 2.5cm?

Radius 25.12 △ 2x3.14 = 4m
Area 4x4x3.14 = 50.24m2
1570 ÷ (2x2.5x3.14) = 1570 ÷ 15.7 = 100 turns