There is a rectangular cardboard, which is 34 decimeters long and 18 decimeters wide. If the length and width are reduced by 10 decimeters and 3 decimeters respectively, how many square decimeters will the area be reduced

There is a rectangular cardboard, which is 34 decimeters long and 18 decimeters wide. If the length and width are reduced by 10 decimeters and 3 decimeters respectively, how many square decimeters will the area be reduced

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A rectangle is reduced by 2cm in length and 3cm in width to get a square. The area of the square is twice that of the original rectangle

And the width and length are reduced, but the area is doubled. There must be something wrong with the topic

Under the condition of keeping the area unchanged, a rectangle of 3cm in length and 2cm in width is transformed into a square, and the side length of the square is calculated

2 * 3 = 6 square centimeter
The side length of this square is 6 cm