On a rectangular grassland, there is a curved asphalt path (the shaded part in the picture indicates the path, and the horizontal width of the path anywhere is 2 length units). Please guess the area of the grassland? Write the formula and the answer

On a rectangular grassland, there is a curved asphalt path (the shaded part in the picture indicates the path, and the horizontal width of the path anywhere is 2 length units). Please guess the area of the grassland? Write the formula and the answer

Can't see your drawing, give you a solution to the irregular area of the practical application method. The irregular area of the drawing pasted on a uniform thickness of the board, cut down and weigh. Then select a standard size of the template scale weight, the total weight of the irregular area of the board divided by the weight of the standard area can get the total area

There is a rectangular grassland, 16 meters long and 10 meters wide. There are two 2 meters parallelogram paths in the middle

There are two situations,
1) If the path runs through the long side, the area of parallelogram is 2 * 16 = 32, and the area of grassland is 16 * 10-16 * 2 = 128 square meters
2) If the path runs through the short side, the area of parallelogram is 2 * 10 = 20, and the area of grassland is 16 * 10-2 * 10 = 140 square meters

A rectangular grassland is 16 meters long and 10 meters wide, with a stone road paved in the middle. What is the area of the grassland?

16 × (10-2) = 16 × 8 = 128 (M2); a: the area of grassland is 128 square meters

7 / 8 of 1m, 1 / 8 of 7m, which one is longer? Why?

7 / 8 of 1m, i.e. 1 * 7 / 8 = 7 / 8
1 / 8 of 7m, i.e. 7 * 1 / 8 = 7 / 8
So, equal