8 / 7m is 2 / 1m longer than a few parts

8 / 7m is 2 / 1m longer than a few parts


There is a circular flower garden in the park with a diameter of 10 meters. A stone road with a width of 2 meters is built around the flower garden. How many meters is the area of this stone road?

3.14 × (5 + 2) &# 178; - 3.14 × 5 & # 178; = 75.36m & # 178;

Around a round pool with a diameter of 10 meters, build a stone road with a width of 1 meter. What is the area of this stone road?

10 △ 2 = 5 (m) 5 + 1 = 6 (m) 3.14 × (62-52) = 3.14 × (36-25) = 3.14 × 11 = 34.54 (M2). A: the area of this stone road is 34.54 m2