The stroke order of the word "man"

The stroke order of the word "man"

Vertical, horizontal fold, horizontal, vertical, horizontal, horizontal fold hook, skim

What is the order of the word?
What is the stroke order next to the vertical heart?

Vertical dot

How many strokes are there in the word "Xie"

Simplified 12 strokes
ヽ; 丿亅亅亅ヽ
Traditional 17 strokes
One by one, one by one, one by one
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How many strokes is the word "Rui"

"Rui" Pinyin: Ru ì phonetic notation: Fei ㄖㄨㄟa simplified radical: Wang Department's first stroke: 4 total strokes: 13 traditional radical: Yu Department's first stroke: 5 total strokes: 14 Kangxi dictionary strokes (Rui: 14;) five strokes 86: GMDJ five strokes 98: GMDJ Cangjie: mgumb four corner number: 12127 Unicode: U + 745e

A family kitchen needs 480 tiles of the same specification of a certain brand. The tiles sold in the decoration material store are packaged in large and small packages. The large package is 50 pieces per package, and the price is 30 yuan; the small package is 30 pieces per package, and the price is 20 yuan?

According to the meaning of the question, there are three purchase schemes. Scheme 1: only buy large package, you need to buy 48050 = 485 packages. Because there is no folding package, you only need to buy 10 packages, and the cost is 30 × 10 = 300 yuan. Scheme 2: only buy small package, you need to buy 48030 = 16 packages, and the cost is 16 × 20 = 320 yuan

Xiaohong's kitchen floor is just covered with 24 pieces of 0.6 meters long and 1 cm thick ceramic tiles. How many square meters is the contact area between each tile and the floor
What's the floor area of this kitchen in square meters?
What is the total volume of the tiles used?

Each brick 0.6x0.6 = 0.36m2
The floor area is 0.36x24 = 8.64 square meters (it is impossible for bricks to be laid seamlessly, and the area will be different according to the size of the joint, which can also be calculated specifically)
Volume of 24 tiles 0.6x0.6x24x0.01 = 0.0864m3

There is a rectangular floor with a length of 30 decimeters and a width of 24 decimeters. If you want to lay square tiles on the floor, how many decimeters of square tiles should you choose in order to lay them neatly and economically? The side length of the tiles should be integral decimeters

In fact, to save, it's better to choose the size of the brick according to the size, and calculate it according to the area. The larger the brick loss, the greater the loss. I used the computer to calculate for you. If it's 600 * 600 tiles, 2000 tiles, just 720 square meters, but you have to add some loss. If it's 800 * 800 tiles, 1125 tiles, these are real numbers without loss. I specially opened CAD to help you calculate them

The floor of this storage room should be paved with square tiles [4.2 mm in length and 30 mm in width]. How many decimeters of the longest side length should be selected to make the floor neat and economical?
How many tiles do you need?
Wrong number
The length is 42

For 60cmx60cm bricks, the length and width should be adjusted and divided. It takes 35 bricks to adjust without any cost

30dm, 24dm a kitchen floor to shop square tiles, need to choose the side length of how many decimeters of tiles, in order to shop both neat and economical?


The kitchen is 3 meters long and 2 meters wide. The kitchen floor should be paved with square tiles with a side length of 2 decimeters. How many such tiles do you need to cover the whole kitchen floor?
What is the formula

2 × 3 = 6 square meters
0.2 × 0.2 = 0.04 M2
6 △ 0.04 = 150 pieces
You should buy 160 yuan