What is the stroke order of block characters The stroke order is from top to bottom, from left to right, full encircle, last write down horizontal, half encircle, first write frame! Many people are easy to make mistakes

What is the stroke order of block characters The stroke order is from top to bottom, from left to right, full encircle, last write down horizontal, half encircle, first write frame! Many people are easy to make mistakes

Horizontal, oblique, point, vertical fold

What about the stroke order of Li characters
Do you have a stroke order chart with long characters?

Look at the picture
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Stroke order of card characters

Stroke order No.: 21124 vertical horizontal vertical

To lay floor tiles for a room 4 meters long and 4 meters wide, you need floor tiles () square meters? Is that 14?

16 4×4=16

Floor tile area / M 1 2 3 4 5 number of floor tiles / block 25 50 75 100 125 the number of floor tiles in the third group in the table corresponds to the area of floor tiles
The ratio of the number is () the ratio is () the ratio of the two numbers corresponding to the number of floor tiles and the area of floor tiles in the fifth group is () the ratio is ()

Floor tile area / M 1 2 3 4 5
Number of floor tiles / block 25 50 75 100 125
In the table, the ratio of the number of floor tiles in the third group to the area of floor tiles is (75:3) and the ratio is (25)
In the fifth group, the ratio of the number of floor tiles and the area of floor tiles is (125:5) and the ratio is (25)
If you don't understand, please ask

As shown in the figure, four identical rectangular floor tiles and one side length of 60cm
As shown in the figure, four identical rectangular floor tiles and a square floor tile with a side length of 60cm are laid into a large square with a side length of 80cm. Try to find out the length and width of the rectangular floor tile
To solve a quadratic equation of two variables

As shown in the picture
Let length and width be x, y, respectively
By combining (1) and (2), a system of quadratic equations with two variables is obtained,
The solution is x = 70, y = 10
It is 70cm long and 10cm wide

A kind of rectangular floor tile is 60cm long and 42cm wide. How many pieces does it take to make a square floor with such tiles?

The greatest common divisor of 60 and 42 is 6, so the side length is 6cm (60 ﹣ 6) × (42 ﹣ 6) = 70 pieces. Please click "adopt as the answer"

Decoration workers to a house floor tile, if the side length of 40cm square brick shop, need 300. If the side length of 50cm square brick, how much
It would be better if we could solve the equation~

192 bricks. 160 * 300 / (50 * 50)

It costs 16.8 yuan for each tile with a side length of 40 cm, 13.5 yuan for each square meter of floor, and 28 yuan for each tile with a side length of 50 cm
What kind of floor tile costs less?

For a square, 16.8 ÷ (0.4 * 0.4) + 13.5 = = 105 yuan per square
28 ÷ (0.5 * 0.5) + 12.5 = = = 124.5 per flat

Xiao Ming found that if the 40cm * 40cm floor tile is used for the living room, it needs 75 pieces. If the 50cm * 50cm floor tile is used for the living room, how many pieces are needed? What about the 30cm * 30cm floor tile? If the floor tile is x ^ 2, what is the relationship between the number of floor tiles y and X?
