How to find the length of sine function How to find the curve length of y = 0.184sin π X in a period

How to find the length of sine function How to find the curve length of y = 0.184sin π X in a period

S = 4 ∫ 0.184 [1 + (COS π x) ^ 2] ^ (1 / 2) DX, the integral interval is [0, Pai / 2]
The integral of elliptic arc length can not be expressed by elementary function, and can only be calculated approximately by numerical method

How to describe sine function image
If y = sin (5x + 6 / π), X ∈ R
Change to y = SiNx, X ∈ R
How to change the original image?

If y = sin (5x + π / 6), X ∈ R
Change to y = SiNx, X ∈ R
How to change the original image?
When the abscissa of y = sin (5x + π / 6) is extended to 5 times of the original, we get
If we shift π / 6 units to the right, we will get the following result

How to draw the image of sine function with MATLAB?
How to draw the image of sine function y = sin (0.225t + pi / 70) with MATLAB?

t = 0:0.1:10
y = sin(0.225*t + pi / 70);