What's the most beautiful number from 0 to 9? Please 3Q No matter from the visual and elegant point of view, layman free!

What's the most beautiful number from 0 to 9? Please 3Q No matter from the visual and elegant point of view, layman free!

Number 1 is unique and healthy everywhere

How many combinations can there be if you choose three out of ten numbers 0-9
Orderly, but not composed of three digits, or 0 can be ranked first.

When it is not repeatable:
1. Sequence is not required
Using combination to calculate C (3,10) = 10 * 9 * 8 / 3 * 2 * 1 = 120
2. Order of requirements
Using permutation to calculate a (3,10) = 10 * 9 * 8 = 720
Repeatable is simple: from 0-999, a total of 1000

Number nursery rhyme: what do the ten numbers from 0 to 9 look like?

In 0-9, which characters are axisymmetric

0, 1, 3, 8, just four!

Which are centrosymmetric figures from 0 to 9, a to Z? Which are axisymmetric figures?
Speed up! 11 points

Centrosymmetric figure 018 hiNOS x z axisymmetric figure 138 A B C D E Hino t U V W x y

Fill in the number of symmetry axes of axisymmetric figure
The number of symmetry axes of axisymmetric figure____

Greater than or equal to one

Fill in 10 numbers 0-9 in (), each number is used only once: () + () = () () () ()

Fill in the blanks with 0-9, ten numbers, () + () = (), () - () = (), () * () = (). Ten numbers cannot be repeated


What are the similarities between the concepts of "axisymmetric figure" and "axisymmetric"__________ The difference is__________ .

The same thing is about axisymmetry
The difference is that an axisymmetric figure is an object, and axisymmetry is the relationship between two objects

How to draw a simple geometric figure of the translation figure

I don't know whether you want the theory or the actual operation. If you can't do it, just draw the figure to be translated on another piece of paper, and then draw the figure to the target position. The theoretical method is to make parallel lines through the key points of the figure, translate equidistant, and connect the translated points to form the translated figure