About 450 words for animals, thank you

About 450 words for animals, thank you

New tortoise and rabbit race
Because he lost the race last time, he was very unconvinced. So the rabbit went to the tortoise village and wanted to find the tortoise to run again. When the rabbit ran to the tortoise, he scolded the tortoise: "you little man, you ran to the end when I was sleeping. If you have the ability, you can run with me again. If you don't have the ability, you can be a pet for people." of course, the tortoise can't stand such abuse, Of course, he blurted out these words: "compare, compare, who's afraid of who!" "that's a good idea. I'll see you at the same place in a week," said the rabbit
The rabbit thought: last time, the old cat took me to play cards, otherwise, I would not sleep, lost to the tortoise? So, the rabbit sleeps every day, no matter day or night
The tortoise also thought: it's not good to fight with the rabbit. It seems that the rabbit can be defeated by stratagem. So the tortoise thought about it and finally came up with the idea of changing the brand to deal with the rabbit. The tortoise changed the brand of the destination to the brand of going to Nanshan. The tortoise thought: the rabbit must not be able to run this time,
At the beginning of the race, the rabbit, as usual, rushed to the front, and suddenly there was no trace. The tortoise could only walk slowly. The rabbit went farther and farther, and the tortoise got closer and closer. The more the rabbit thought, the more wrong it was. Looking back, the tortoise had won
This story tells us: to do anything can not spell brute force, must use the brain

Writing animal fairy tales

Little Turtle
Once upon a time, there was a child named Xiao Ming. He raised a non-toxic green snake and named it little turtle. Little green snake is very cute. It helps Xiao Ming catch pests in the vegetable garden every day. Xiao Ming likes it
One day, Xiao Ming was watering vegetables. Suddenly, an eagle swooped down from the air, caught the green snake catching insects, flew to the big rock behind the house and ate with relish. Xiao Ming heard the squeaking sound of the green snake, looked up and was shocked. He threw the water jar into the eagle. The jar was broken and the eagle was scared away
When Xiao Ming ran to the stone, he saw that the snake had been eaten with only one head and a short tail. Xiao Ming cried bitterly and rushed to the hospital
In the ward, the doctor made a shell for the little green snake with two big tiles, and put the head and tail on it. He saw the little green snake dragging the heavy shell and couldn't walk. He caught a gecko, cut off four feet and put it on. When the little green snake recovered, it didn't look like the original Snake any more. We only remembered its name as little turtle
Until now, the little tortoise is still very afraid of the eagle. As soon as the eagle flies, the little tortoise immediately shrinks its head, tail and four feet into the real shell. The eagle sees that the hard shell of the little tortoise can't peck, so he has to fly away
Now we all know how the pattern of tortoise came from. It's sewn and glued by the broken earthen jar

According to the fairy tale or fable, write a new story, 800 words
As the title shows, a new story is intended to be positive

Who is the angel of the forest
Magpie, oriole and crow live together in a big forest
One day, they sat on a branch chatting. Chatting, they talked about the upcoming "who is the little angel of the forest" competition. Speaking of the competition, the magpie beamed and said: "the forest, I am the most beautiful Before he finished, Huang Yingji interrupted him: "I'm a real singer in the forest. When I sing, no one can match me." they both brag about themselves, and no one will listen to each other. Only the crow is silent. He doesn't know what to say
At this time, an owl grandfather came. He stopped on a stone and kept panting. He looked up and saw three little friends in the tree. He said to them anxiously, "Hello, three little friends. My foot accidentally pierced a long thorn. Would you please help me take it out?" the magpie listened, wagged its tail and flew to a stone in the distance, Enjoying her beautiful feathers, Huang Ying said impatiently, "we don't have time. Don't you see that we are busy preparing for the" who is the forest Angel competition? "Then he began to sing. The little crow looked at the two little friends, flew to the owl, and carefully pulled out the long thorn for the owl grandfather with his sharp mouth. The owl looked at the little crow, Nodded, said with a smile: "child, I will remember you." said, wings fly away
The three children finally wait until the beginning of the competition. The beauty of the magpie and the singing of the yellow warbler get a lot of praise. They also think that they are most qualified to be forest angels. Crow is also happy for the two children
On the day of the final announcement, a lot of animals came to the forest, and grandfather owl also came. He said to everyone, "my friends, I organized this activity mainly to choose the kindest and most loving little angel, to set an example for other animals in our forest, and to make our forest the most loving and friendly animal home. Now I have chosen it, He is a loving little crow. "After that, he gave the little crow the award certificate of the little angel in the forest. The Orioles and magpies bowed their heads in shame