He is a Chinese mathematician

He is a Chinese mathematician

Time is a constant. One day is a waste of 24 hours

Who can introduce the story of mathematician Yang Le

Professor Yang Le, a mathematician, was born in Nantong, Jiangsu Province. He graduated from Peking University in 1962 and was admitted as a graduate student of the Institute of mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was a researcher of the Institute of mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1979, mainly engaged in complex analysis
Yang Le has made systematic and in-depth research on complex analysis, especially on the value distribution theory of entire function and meromorphic function, and his achievements have been highly praised and widely cited by peers at home and abroad. The main research achievements are as follows: he cooperatively studied the relationship between the deficiency of entire function and meromorphic function and Bauer direction, It is the first time to establish a close and accurate relationship between these two basic concepts. It gives an accurate estimation of the total deficit of meromorphic functions and their derivatives, and answers several questions raised by D. drasin. It introduces the concept of deficit function, and proves that the deficit function of lower order meromorphic functions is countable at most, and gives an appropriate estimation of the deficit, In the 1980s, this subject was paid attention to by the international peers. The singular direction of meromorphic functions was studied deeply, and a new singular direction was introduced. The distribution of singular direction was given a simple and clear necessary and sufficient condition (some of the work cooperated with others). The normal families of holomorphic and meromorphic functions were studied systematically, and some new normal rules were obtained, We have studied the normal families of holomorphic and meromorphic functions in angular domain with a famous British mathematician, obtained some new normal rules, and established the relationship between normal families and fixed points; we have studied the growth and value of holomorphic functions in angular domain with a famous British mathematician, A conjecture of Littlewood, a famous mathematician, is solved. It is proved that for an entire function with finite lower order μ, if the number of Borel directions whose order is not less than μ is investigated, then the sum of the number of investigated non-zero deficient values of it and all original functions at all levels is not more than 2 μ. The coefficients of two principal terms of Hayman basic inequality are greatly reduced, In 1980, he was elected academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Professor Yang Le is a famous mathematician in China and an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Yang Le has made systematic and in-depth research on complex analysis. His achievements have been highly praised and widely cited by peers at home and abroad. He has won a number of major awards
Professor Yang Le has been the director of the Institute of mathematics since 1987. He has successively served as a member of the Third Academic Degree Committee of the State Council, a member of the first, second, third and third mathematics review groups of the academic degree committee of the State Council, a member of the Foundation Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a member of the third and fourth National Natural Science Awards Committee, and chief editor of Acta Mathematica Sinica, In November 1980, he was elected member of the Department of mathematical physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
In 1978, Professor Yang Le won the National Science Conference award, and in 1982, he and Zhang Guanghou won the second prize of National Natural Science Award. Over the years, Yang Le has published more than 60 academic papers and 2 monographs, and edited 5 theses. His monographs won the first prize of national excellent scientific and technological books in 1983 and the first National Book Award in 1994
Since 1979, Yang Le has been a visiting professor at Cornell University, Purdue University, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Princeton Institute of higher learning, Harvard University and Notre Dame University. He has been invited to give lectures at more than 50 universities and research institutes in the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, Germany, Japan, Sweden and Finland. He has made keynote or invited reports at more than 10 international academic conferences
Professor Yang Le won the second Hua Luogeng mathematics prize for his outstanding research achievements in function module distribution theory, argument distribution theory and normal family. At the third Chinese mathematicians conference held in December 2004, Professor Yang Le also won the Chen Shengshen mathematics prize

A brief introduction to mathematicians

Liu Hui
Liu Hui (born around 250 A.D.) is a great mathematician in the history of mathematics in China. He also occupies an outstanding position in the history of mathematics in the world. His masterpieces "notes on arithmetic in nine chapters" and "Suanjing on islands" are the most precious mathematical heritages in China
Jia Xian
Jia Xian, an outstanding mathematician in the Northern Song Dynasty in ancient China, has lost both the nine chapters of the Yellow Emperor and the ancient collection of algorithms
His main contribution is to create the "Jia Xian triangle" and the method of increasing multiplication and opening. The method of increasing multiplication and opening is the method of finding the positive root of higher power. At present, the principle and program of mixed division in middle school mathematics are similar to that of this method. The method of increasing multiplication and opening is neat, simple and more programmed than the traditional method, so it shows its advantages especially in opening higher power, This method is more than 700 years earlier than European mathematician Horner's conclusion
Qin Jiushao
Qin Jiushao (about 1202-1261) was born in Anyue, Sichuan Province. He worked as an official in Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places. He was demoted to Meizhou (now Meixian, Guangdong) around 1261 and soon died. He, together with Li Ye, Yang Hui and Zhu Shijie, was known as the four masters of mathematics in song and Yuan Dynasties, In 1247, he wrote the famous nine chapters of Shu Shu. There are 18 volumes and 81 questions in the book, which can be divided into nine categories. His most important achievements in Mathematics - "Da Yan total number method" (one-time congruence group solution) and "positive and negative square method" (numerical solution of higher-order equation) make this song dynasty Suan Jing occupy a prominent position in the history of world mathematics in the middle ages
Li Ye
Li Ye (1192-1279), formerly known as Li Zhi and named Jingzhai, was born in Luancheng, Zhending, Jin Dynasty. He was once the governor of Junzhou (now Yu County, Henan Province). In 1232, Junzhou was destroyed by the Mongolian army, so he lived in seclusion and studied. He was employed by Kublai Khan, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, as an academician. Only one year later, he resigned and returned home, Its main purpose is to explain the method of using tianyuanshu to set up equations. "Tianyuanshu" is similar to the method of setting up equations in modern algebra. "Setting tianyuanyi as XX" is equivalent to "setting x as XX". It can be said that it is an attempt of symbolic algebra. Li Ye's other mathematical work "Yigu Yanduan" (1259) also explains tianyuanshu
Zhu Shijie
Zhu Shijie (around 1300), whose name is Hanqing and his name is Songting, lives in Yanshan (now near Beijing), "toured the lake and sea for more than 20 years as a famous mathematician" and "gathered scholars after the gate" (Mo ruo and Zu Yi: preface to Siyuan Yujian). Zhu Shijie's representative works include enlightenment of Mathematics (1299) and Siyuan Yujian (1303), It has influenced the development of mathematics in Korea and Japan. Siyuan Yujian is another symbol of the peak of mathematics in song and Yuan Dynasties in China. Among them, the most outstanding mathematical creations are "quaternion" (multiple high-order equation formulation and elimination solution), "stacking" (higher-order arithmetic summation) and "zhaocha" (high-order interpolation)
Zu Chongzhi
Zu Chongzhi (429-500 A.D.) was born in Laiyuan County, Hebei Province. He was an outstanding scientist in the northern and Southern Dynasties. He was not only a mathematician, but also familiar with astronomy and calendar, mechanical manufacturing, music and other fields. He was also an astronomer
Zu Chongzhi's main achievement in mathematics is the calculation of PI. He calculated the root formula of PI (3.14159260). He used the area relationship of geometric figures in the notes to the chart of solar height to prove the "double difference technique" (the method used by astronomers in Han Dynasty to measure the height and distance of the sun is called double difference technique)
Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician
Hua Luogeng, a modern Chinese mathematician, was born in Jintan County, Jiangsu Province on November 12, 1910. He died in Tokyo, Japan on June 12, 1985. After graduating from junior high school in 1924, Hua Luogeng studied less than a year in Shanghai Zhonghua Vocational School. He dropped out of school because of poverty. He studied mathematics hard. In 1930, he published an article on solving algebraic equations in science, which attracted experts' attention and was invited to work in Tsinghua University, In 1936, he went to Cambridge University as a visiting scholar. In 1938, he returned to China and was employed as a professor of southwest United University. In 1946, he was invited by Princeton Institute of higher studies of the Soviet Union as a researcher and taught at Princeton University. Since 1948, he has been a professor at the University of Illinois
After graduating from junior high school of Jintan middle school in 1924, he studied hard. After 1930, he taught in Tsinghua University. In 1936, he went to Cambridge University to visit and study. After returning to China in 1938, he became a professor of southwest United University. In 1946, he went to the United States as a researcher of Princeton Institute of mathematics, a professor of Princeton University and Illinois University, and returned to China in 1950, In this paper, we solve the historical problem of estimation of Gauss complete trigonometric sum, and obtain the best error order estimation (this result has a wide range of applications in number theory); we make a significant improvement on the results of G.H. hardy and J.E. Littlewood on walling problem and E. Wright on tarry problem, which is still the best record up to now
In terms of algebra, we prove the basic theorem of one-dimensional projective geometry left over by history, and give a simple and direct proof of the result that the normal sub body of a body must be contained in its center, His monograph on piled prime numbers systematically summarizes, develops and improves hardy and Littlewood's circle method, Vinogradov's triangle sum estimation method and his own method. Since its publication for more than 40 years, its main results still occupy a leading position in the world and have been translated into Russian, Hungarian, Japanese, German and English successively, It has become one of the classic number theory works in the 20th century. Its monograph harmonic analysis on multiple complex variable canonical fields gives the complete orthogonal system of canonical fields with precise analysis and matrix techniques, combined with group representation theory, and thus gives the expressions of Cauchy and Poisson kernels. This work has a wide and in-depth influence in the study of harmonic analysis, complex analysis, differential equations, etc, He has won the first prize of China Natural Science Award. He advocated the development of Applied Mathematics and computer. He has published many works such as Pinghua of overall planning method and optimality, which have been popularized and applied in China. In cooperation with Professor Wang Yuan, he has made important achievements in the applied research of modern number theory method, Known as "Hua Wang method", it has made an important contribution to the development of mathematics education and science popularization. It has published more than 200 research papers and dozens of monographs and popular science works
Chen Jingrun
Mathematician, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Born in Fuzhou, Fujian on may 221933. Graduated from Xiamen University in 1953
In 1957, he joined the Institute of mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and engaged in the research of number theory under the guidance of Professor Hua Luogeng. He has been a researcher of the Institute of mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a member of the academic committee of the Institute, a professor of Guiyang University for nationalities, Henan University, Qingdao University, Huazhong Institute of technology and Fujian Normal University, and a member of the mathematics discipline group of the State Science and Technology Commission, He is mainly engaged in the research of analytic number theory, and has obtained the international leading achievement in the research of Goldbach conjecture. This achievement is internationally known as "Chen's theorem", which has been widely cited. This work, together with Professor Wang Yuan and Professor Pan Chengdong, made him win the first prize of National Natural Science Award in 1978, In early 1979, he completed his paper "the minimum prime in arithmetic progression", which promoted the minimum prime from 80 to 16, and was highly praised by the international mathematical community. He also studied the close relationship between combinatorial mathematics and modern economic management, scientific experiments, cutting-edge technology, human life, and so on. He published more than 70 research papers, and published "on mathematical interest"