The beginning and end of an excellent composition of about 100 words

The beginning and end of an excellent composition of about 100 words

1. (1) it's a pleasure to get the teacher's care, and it's also a pleasure to get other people's help, and it's even more a pleasure to help others. (2) what's happiness? Happiness is the happy face of the fruit growers in the orchard looking at the fruit on the branches, Happiness is the smiling face of the students in the classroom looking forward to the future. Happiness is the brow of the scientists in the laboratory when they make new discoveries. Happiness is the tears of the athletes on the podium when they look up at the rising national flag. Happiness is the crystallization of struggle and the monument of diligence. (3) happiness is always around you. If you take the rice bowl from your mother, you will feel warm, That is happiness; if you read a friend's letter under the lamp and taste friendship, that is happiness; if you sit in a corner, listen to songs quietly and meditate on reverie, that is happiness. (4) happiness is like a breeze, blowing away the dark clouds on people's hearts; happiness is like wine, the longer it brews, the more mellow it tastes; happiness is like a stream, Only when I enter the sea can I feel my own existence. Happiness is like a drink. Once it is opened, it will be refreshing. 2, There are happy memories, beautiful yearnings, the joy of success, and the trouble of failure. Most of them are happiness, emotion, resentment and anger. However, what I can't forget most is one day three years ago. (2) "wildfire can't be burnt out, and spring breeze blows again." when spring comes, sister Liushu's long hair flutters gently in the air, and sister Huaer's cheek shows a brilliant smile, The naughty little grass brother makes a face at you in the wind. Bathing in the spring breeze and looking at the graceful scenery, my thoughts also float to four years ago. 3. About missing, about missing, about missing. (1) when I was a child, it was you who accompanied me for so many happy days that you told me that there was maternal love, so no matter how long the day was or how far the earth was, I'm always willing to enjoy your love in your arms. (2) the taste of missing is like a cup of bitter coffee. Although it can add some sugar, it still makes people haggard. (3) missing is a poem, which makes you read rhythm in ordinary days; missing is a shower, which makes you wet in dry days; missing is a piece of sunshine, which makes your gloomy days clear

Write flowers at the beginning and end of winter composition, for fast

At the beginning: I see flowers blooming again, the fierce cold wind blows my cheek, the lotus pond in the campus is frozen again, and several Koi are trying to find the crevice of the ice and the little sunshine. I look for the light red among the trees, and the study in the third year of Junior high school is like adding ice to my body, so I can't breathe. I don't know which semester it is, I only remember that it was a cold day

Looking for a good teacher nearby
The title of the composition is "looking for a good teacher nearby". Please review the title!
1500 words
On the second floor, No

Although I don't write about people, I think the dictionary teacher is quite novel! I have a good teacher who doesn't speak - dictionary. Speaking of it, I still have a period of experience. It turns out that when I encounter words that I can't write or recognize, I directly ask my father. I remember once when I wrote a composition, I wanted to use the word "praise", but I searched my mind for

The moving composition around me, the beginning and the end