When someone goes out at 6:00 p.m., he sees that the angle between the two hands on the clock is 110 degrees. When he comes home before 7:00 p.m., he finds that the angle between the two hands on the clock is still 110 degrees Requirements, please explain the process clearly. Write the process clearly Depressed. How long or when did you ask this person to go out?

When someone goes out at 6:00 p.m., he sees that the angle between the two hands on the clock is 110 degrees. When he comes home before 7:00 p.m., he finds that the angle between the two hands on the clock is still 110 degrees Requirements, please explain the process clearly. Write the process clearly Depressed. How long or when did you ask this person to go out?

It's obvious that there are more than two times at 6 o'clock. The angle between the hour hand and the minute hand is 110 degrees, before 6:30 and after 6:30 respectively
If you go out at 6:00, you should go out before 6:30
180 degrees - (x / 60) * 360 + (360 / 12) * (x / 60) = 110 degrees
Let's go home at 6:30, after 6:30
[(y-30) / 60] * 360 - (360 / 12) * (Y / 60) = 110 degrees
y=580/11 ,
So he went out for 40 minutes
Let's put it this way
The minute hand goes one circle, and the clock goes 1 / 12 circle, so the speed of the minute hand is 12 times that of the hour hand. The minute hand turns more than the hour hand (110 ° * 2)
The minute hand actually turns 110 ° * 2 / (11 / 12) = 240 °
240 ° / 360 ° = 2 / 3H = 40 points
The time to go out must be how long you have been out

The image of a linear function passes through a (- 3,10) and B (- 1,6)
(1) Find the analytic expression of this function
(2) Find the triangle formed by the image of this function and two coordinate axes

(1) Let the function relation be y = KX + B
Just take y, X in
The function formula is y = - 2x + 4
(2) Let's take x, y = 0 and get y = 4, x = - 2
S triangle = 4 * 2 * 1 / 2

As shown in the figure, it is known that ab ⊥ DB is in B, CD ⊥ DB is in D, ab = 6, CD = 4, BD = 14. Question: is there a point P on DB, so that the triangle with C, D, P as vertices is similar to the triangle with P, B, a as vertices? If it exists, find the length of DP; if not, explain the reason

If △ PCD ∽ APB, cdpb = DPAB, i.e. 414 − DP = DP6, the solution is DP = 2 or 12; if △ PCD ∽ PAB, then cdab = dppb, i.e. 46 = dp14 − DP, the solution is DP = 5.6

1. Diagonal of parallelogram________ The four corners of a rectangle_________ , diagonal_________ And_________ The four sides of a diamond_________ , diagonal__________ And each diagonal line is divided into a group________ The diagonal of a square__________ And_________ .
2. Four sides________ The quadrilateral of a triangle is a diamond; the diagonal is a diamond__________ The quadrilateral of a triangle is a diamond; the diagonal is a diamond__________ The four sides of a square are rectangles; diagonals_________ The quadrilateral of a square is a square
3. In the parallelogram ABCD, if AB = 4 times root 2, angle B = 45 ° and BC = 10, the area of the parallelogram ABCD is___________ .
4. If the diagonal length of the diamond is 6cm and 8cm respectively, its perimeter is_________ Cm, the area is_____ cm².
5. If each outer angle of a polygon is equal to 1 / 5 of the adjacent inner angle, then the number of sides of the polygon is_______ .

1. Diagonal of parallelogram____ Share equally____
The four corners of a rectangle____ Equal_____ , diagonal_____ Equal____ And____ Share equally_____
Four sides of a diamond____ Equal_____ , diagonal____ Perpendicular to each other______ And each diagonal line is divided into a group___ Diagonally_____
The diagonal of a square______ Equal____ And___ Perpendicular to each other______ .
2. Four sides___ Equal_____ The quadrilateral of the triangle is a diamond
Diagonal_____ Bisecting each other vertically_____ The quadrilateral of the triangle is a diamond
Diagonal___ Equal and equally divided_______ The quadrilateral of a square is a rectangle
Diagonal____ Equal and equally divided perpendicular to each other_____ The quadrilateral of a square is a square
3. In the parallelogram ABCD, if AB = 4 times root 2, angle B = 45 ° and BC = 10, the area of the parallelogram ABCD is____ 40_______ .
4. If the diagonal length of the diamond is 6cm and 8cm respectively, its perimeter is____ 28_____ Cm, the area is__ 24___ cm².
5. If each outer angle of a polygon is equal to 1 / 5 of the adjacent inner angle, then the number of sides of the polygon is___ 12____ .

In a right triangle ABC, if the angle ACB = right angle CD is perpendicular to D, BC = 3, AC = 4, then CD =?
2 in the triangle ABC, if AC = BC, CD, vertical BC intersects AB at D, and B = 30 degrees, ad = 3cm, then BD =? Cm
3 in triangle ABC, BD bisects angle ABC and BD = 13, BC = 12, DC = 5, then the distance from D to AB is?
4 in the right triangle ABC, ad is the center line AE on the hypotenuse BC, which is perpendicular to E. if AC = 6 AB = 8, then de =?

2.3 * radical 3

1. If a = - 0.3 ^ 2, B = - 3 ^ - 2, C = (- 1 / 3) ^ - 2, d = (- 1 / 3) ^ 2, then the size relationship of a, B, C, D is________ .
2. If 6 / 7 = 6 (5a + 2) / 7 (5a + 2), then the value range of a is_______ .
3. If x ^ 2 + 3x-1 = 0, then x-3 / 3x ^ 2-6x ^ (x + 2 - 5 / X-2)=________ .
4. If M / A ^ 2-B ^ 2 - 2ab-b ^ 2 / A ^ 2-B ^ 2 = A-B / A + B, then M=_______ .


1. If the image of positive scale function y = (2m + 1) x passes through point a (x1, Y1) and point B (X2, Y2), when X1 is less than x2 and Y1 is greater than Y2, then the value range of M is
2. Function y = x + 3
The range of 2-3x independent variables is
3. If the image of the first-order function y = (n-1) x + 2n-6 does not pass through the second quadrant, then the value range of n is

The solution is n > = 3

Second grade mathematics urgent help, thank you
1. In RT △ ABC, three sides are a, B, C. if the hypotenuse C = 16, then a & sup2; + B & sup2; + C & sup2=_____ .
2. There is a group of Pythagorean numbers, in which the smaller two numbers are 8 and 15, then the third number is 8_____ .
3. In △ ABC, the opposite sides of ∠ a, B and C are a, B and C once. If (B + C) (B-C) = A & sup2;, then △ ABC is____ triangle.

1. In RT △ ABC, three sides are a, B, C. if the hypotenuse C = 16, then a & sup2; + B & sup2; + C & sup2=__ 512___ . 2. There is a group of Pythagorean numbers, in which the smaller two numbers are 8 and 15, then the third number is 8__ 17___ 3. In △ ABC, the opposite sides of ∠ a, B and C are a, B and C. if (B + C) (B-C) = A & sup2;, then △ ABC

5. It is known that the isosceles △ ABC - waist AB = 9cm, passing through any point on the bottom edge and any point P to make two waist parallel lines, respectively intersecting AB at M and AC at n, then an + PN = ()
6. If the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram are 4 and 6, and the height of one side is 3, then the area of the parallelogram is ()

The first question is 9
The second question is 18 or 12

In the following statement, the correct one is ()
A. The sum of two irrational numbers or irrational numbers
B. Finite decimals and infinite decimals are called real numbers
C. The product of two irrational numbers or irrational numbers
D. Points on the number axis represent real numbers

D if π is an irrational number, π + (- π) = 0
Real numbers include rational numbers and irrational numbers
For example, root 2 * root 2 = 2