On the strange phenomenon of desert Over the past 40 years, mankind has gained a lot of new knowledge about deserts. What are the strange phenomena in deserts? Can we explain these strange phenomena with scientific principles?

On the strange phenomenon of desert Over the past 40 years, mankind has gained a lot of new knowledge about deserts. What are the strange phenomena in deserts? Can we explain these strange phenomena with scientific principles?

In 1979, the British archaeologist Wes found a strange phenomenon in the relief mural of the ruins of the Abydos temple in the desert of northeast Egypt, that is, he saw the relief with the same shape as today's aircraft, as well as a series of flying objects. One pattern looks like today's helicopter, and the other looks like submarine or spaceship, There are even "UFOs" that appeared in ancient Egypt 3000 years ago. There are at least three to four flying objects with the same shape as today's airplanes. Airplanes were only developed in the 19th century, but they actually appeared in the murals of ancient Egypt 3000 years ago. In world history, many ancient people used murals to record history at the beginning of developing language and writing, Ancient Egyptians should be used to record something or express a certain meaning, but can people 3000 years ago predict the product of today's civilization? 3000 years ago, even if the alien civilization came to ancient Egypt, people at that time may not have such concepts as helicopters and submarines. Moreover, if the "UFO" in the mural is alien, why should it be painted with the aircraft of modern civilization?
In room 22 of the Cairo Museum, a wooden "airplane model" is displayed. It was found in an ancient tomb more than 4000 years ago in Saqqara, Egypt in 1898, and its serial number is "species registration" No. 6347. This model is very similar to modern airplanes. It has been successfully identified by "wind tunnel" experiments, which fully conforms to the principles of aerodynamics and can fly for quite a long distance, In 1954, the Republic of Colombia exhibited an ancient gold airplane model in a museum in the United States. Archaeologists excavated an ancient airplane model made of gold about 780 feet underground in South America, It is very similar to the American B-52 bomber. This kind of aircraft model has been found in many countries in South America. Some aircraft even have obvious Hebrew letters on the tail, which seems to indicate that they are from the Middle East region?
In early 1964, an archaeological team composed of French archaeologists discovered the ruins of a 4000 year old temple of the sun in the area where human activities first appeared on the banks of the Nile River. Under an ancient stone tablet, they found a silver coin deeply buried in the ground. Strangely enough, this is not an ancient Egyptian silver coin, but an American silver coin. What's more strange is that it is not an ancient Egyptian silver coin, This is not an ancient American silver coin, but a modern silver coin. The most incredible thing is that this is an illiquid silver coin, which has been forged, is ready to enter the market in 1997, has a face value of 25 cents, and is still "left behind" in the heavily guarded treasury of the United States. Why did the modern American silver coin "run" to the ancient Egyptian temples 4000 years ago?

What's strange in the desert

It's cold in the morning and hot at noon. But in coastal areas, the specific heat capacity of water is large, and it's also affected by the same amount of solar radiation. Water needs to absorb more heat, and it doesn't release the heat until the evening

What are the strange phenomena in the deserts of China

Mirage, sand

What are the common chemical changes in our daily life? Give some examples and explain them
I want to explain why!

1. Gas and match burning
2. Paint the wall with hydrated lime (hydrated lime reacts with carbon dioxide in the air to form white and hard calcium carbonate and water)
3. Put iodized salt at the latest to prevent iodine volatilization
4. Human respiration consumes oxygen
5. Plant respiration consumes carbon dioxide
6. Deterioration of milk and other nutrients
Supplement! Chemical changes: (1) food digested by stomach acid (2) smoking cigarettes (3) lighter fires (3) fireworks on New Year's Day (4) kerosene lamp lighting (5) food spoilage (6) liquefied petroleum gas lighting (7) 84 washing fruit surface sterilization (8) washing range hood with super strong range hood detergent (9) organic fertilizer retting (10) soap decontamination
The above are all physical and chemical changes in daily life, also known as physical and chemical reactions
Reference: here it is

Refraction of light in daily life?

A good example of refraction of light: explanation: both convex lens and concave lens use the refraction of light to focus and disperse light, and lens has many uses in life. 1. Because of the refraction of light, the old man with presbyopia can see things near. 2. Because of the refraction of light, the students with myopia can see things clearly

Scientific principles found in daily life

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Use 40% vinegar water solution every day, and wash your hair after heating to prevent hair loss and excessive dandruff; use vinegar to adjust lime powder, apply it to your armpit, and wash your hair every day
Second time can cure body odor
The magic of eggshell
1. The mixture of protein and water in fresh eggshell can be used to clean glass or furniture to increase luster
2. Put the broken eggshell and vinegar into the bottle with dirt, shake it hard to remove the dirt
3. Placing the eggshell after removing the protein or yolk around the planting hole of flowers and trees can provide a lot of nutrients for the roots of flowers and trees,
It can promote the growth of flowers and trees
4. The eggshell is rich in calcium. If you grind it into powder and mix it in the feed of chicken or pig, the hen will not be soft after eating it
The shell egg, the pig eats the muscle bone to grow well
Knowledge of putting monosodium glutamate
Do not put MSG in sour dishes, such as sweet and sour fish, sweet and sour spareribs, because MSG is alkaline, such as
The addition of basic monosodium glutamate to fruity vegetables results in a chemical neutralization reaction, i.e. salt and water are formed, and a dish is also made to taste
Good dishes are gone
So is it possible to add monosodium glutamate in alkaline food? Practice has proved that monosodium glutamate in alkaline food has the same effect
Therefore, monosodium glutamate should be placed in the food which is not obviously acidic or alkaline
If it's too salty, the sodium ion in the salt covers up the acid sodium, so you can't eat it
If it's too light, the taste of monosodium glutamate will not come out
Finally, we should pay attention to the temperature. The solubility of monosodium glutamate is 85 ℃. Below this temperature, the structure of monosodium glutamate has not been separated
Solution, and above this temperature should not put MSG, otherwise no taste
Identification of honey
Honey with light color is better
Honey is white, small, crystalline and contains more glucose, which is good honey
Honey is very thin, easy to flow, aroma is not strong, may be mixed with water
Fill the spoon with honey. When the honey drips off, if it shrinks to the spoon very quickly, it means that it has strong toughness and is good honey
Put a spoonful of honey in the cup and add four to five times hot water to dissolve it. After standing for three to four hours, if there is no precipitation,
It is pure honey, good honey
Loquat honey was the best, followed by purple quartz honey, pear flower honey and cauliflower honey, and buckwheat honey was the worst
In addition, honey on the market, some mixed with water or other impurities, the following methods can be used to identify
Distinguish honey mixed with water and sugar: drop honey on white paper or straw paper. If the honey on paper gradually seeps open, it means that
Mixed with sugar and water
Distinguish the honey mixed with starch: put a small amount of honey into the cup, add appropriate amount of water, boil, wait for cooling, drop a few drops of iodine
Wine, if the solution color turns blue, that mixed with starch
Distinguish the honey mixed with impurities: insert the red wire into the honey. If the wire is attached with mucus, it indicates that the honey mixed with impurities
If the wire is still smooth, there is no impurity
The magic of beer
1. Dilute the flour with beer and pour it on the sliced meat or shredded meat. The fried meat is tender and delicious, especially in this way
Cooking beef is better
2. Beer can make the cold tea more delicious. Soak the dish in the beer, boil it, take it out as soon as the wine boils, and then add some seasoning
Flavoring agent
3. When mixing flour with beer, the small pancakes are crisp and fragrant
4. Knead proper amount of beer into the dough of baking bread. The bread is easy to bake and has a meat flavor
5. When making fatter meat or fish with more fat, adding a glass of beer can eliminate the greasy taste and make it delicious
6. Soak the chicken in salt, pepper and beer for 1-2 hours to remove its smell
Distinguishing true and false monosodium glutamate
If you want to distinguish the true and false monosodium glutamate is not difficult. You can take a small amount of monosodium glutamate on the tip of the tongue. If the tongue feels cold and tastes fresh
If there is bitterness and saltiness but no fishy smell after tasting, it means that this kind of monosodium glutamate is mixed with salt
If it tastes cold, sticky and difficult to dissolve, it is mixed with gypsum or cassava starch
Remove the dirt on the inner wall of tea cup
After using the cup for a period of time, the inner wall of the cup will be firmly attached with a layer of dark yellow sediment, which is the main factor in tea
The precipitate formed by the combination of insoluble protein substances and pigment can be effectively removed with vitamin C tablets
They are: in a cup with a little warm water, mash a few vitamin C tablets and put them into the cup. After mixing, soak the inner wall with the water solution
Then, with index finger against a vitamin C tablets, gently rub the inner wall, dirt can be removed
In addition, wiping the cup wall with toothpaste can also remove tea stains
Skillful selection of tea
1. Check the uniformity. Pour the tea into the tray and rotate the tray several times in a certain direction to make different shapes of tea
The more middle tea, the better uniformity; otherwise, the worse uniformity
2. Look at the color. Green tea with bright green is good quality; black tea with brown and oily is good quality
There are more Baihao, black tea contains more orange bud head, are high-grade tea
3. Look at the tightness of the cable. The quality of tight and heavy is good, the quality of thick and loose, and the quality of thin and broken is poor
4. See the clarity. There are more stems, petioles, seeds and impurities in the tea
How to identify eggs
Light identification: when illuminated with light, the fresh egg white is transparent, the white and yolk are clearly defined, the short end is very small, orange red, and there is no light in the egg
Black spots, no red shadow; not fresh eggs, egg white yellow or black spots, yellow, clear is not clear, bad egg has a large black block