The following phenomenon belongs to translation transformation () 1. The rolling of football on the morning ground; 2. The swing of pendulum; 3. The movement of bottled drinks on the conveyor belt

The following phenomenon belongs to translation transformation () 1. The rolling of football on the morning ground; 2. The swing of pendulum; 3. The movement of bottled drinks on the conveyor belt

3. On the transfer belt, the movement of bottled drinks

Strange phenomena in life
People as like as two peas in the past do not feel that they have experienced such a thing.

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Have you ever experienced such an experience: you suddenly feel that the scene in front of you is very familiar. You know everything, every detail, and even the next scene like the palm of your hand, as if you have experienced it. However, this is not the case, Two thirds of adults have experienced this kind of "deja vu" at least once. According to the analysis of psychology professor and doctoral supervisor of Peking University, the feeling of "deja vu" occurs in everyone. However, if the feeling is too frequent and too strong, it is a disease
The interaction between perception and memory
"Deja vu" is the result of the interaction between the perceptual system and the memory system in the human brain. To understand why the feeling of "deja vu" appears, scientists have to classify it from perception and memory. The process of classification is not only a basic feature of perception, but also a basic feature of memory, The perception of objects, the perception of position, and so on. Take these three types for example, because their objects are different, when we get to a place, the orientation and spatial relationship, the surrounding objects and people may appear at the same time. However, our perception of them is made up of three different spatial energy circuits in the brain, namely the circuit of position perception, Similar to perception, memory can be divided into many types
The memory of knowledge and feeling is called semantic memory: the memory of plot, experience and events, that is, episodic memory, which is unconscious memory. Each kind of memory can be divided into many sub categories. Just because perception and memory are "classified", many features of some scenes we have experienced are stored in different memory systems, and we can't realize them, When we come to a new scene, some parts of the scene may stimulate our memory, mobilize different memory systems in our brain and match with it. Once a certain feature in the scene matches with the past experience, it will produce the feeling of "deja vu". Everyone will have a life experience, because there are many things accumulated, It is normal to have the subjective experience of "deja vu" occasionally. The initial understanding of the subjective experience of "deja vu" can start from epilepsy in medicine, and can be traced back to half a century ago. Normal people also have this subjective experience. With the accumulation of brain science knowledge, it has gradually reached today's level of understanding
It often happens when the mood is unstable
It is not easy to realize "deja vu". Deja vu is easy to occur in emotional instability and the experience of the scene. Although all people have subjective experience of "deja vu", it does not mean that the frequency of "deja vu" is the same in all people, Things closely related to emotions are easy to remember. Therefore, if you are in a state of emotional instability, then the probability of "deja vu" is high. In a person's life, menopause and adolescence, the human endocrine will change dramatically, So that people are in a state of emotional instability, memory will become very active. At this time, the phenomenon of "deja vu" is more likely to occur. "Deja vu" mainly occurs in the experience of the scene. It is because every perception appears in a specific scene. This kind of scene is often a big background, In the phenomenon of "deja vu", most of the transferred memories are unconscious memories. From childhood, all experiences, whether they want to remember or not, have traces of these memories in the brain, In some very special circumstances, it jumps out. When it is transmitted to the consciousness, it produces the feeling of "deja vu"
Dejavu phenomenon is originally translated as D é J à vu in French and translated as "sense of sight" in Chinese. In short, it is "deja vu". Things or scenes that have never been experienced seem to be deja vu experienced at a certain time and place
According to the questionnaire survey, two-thirds of adults have experienced "deja vu" at least once. Moreover, the more imaginative people are, the more likely they are to experience strange feelings. People who travel a lot are more likely to experience "deja vu" than those who stay at home for a long time. In addition, people who travel a lot are more likely to experience "deja vu" than those who stay at home for a long time, People with higher education also experience this feeling more than others. The survey also shows that the incidence of "deja vu" is the highest in youth, and then gradually decreases with age. Especially when people really begin to repeat the monotonous life day after day, its incidence actually decreases, When Freud's theory was still the mainstream of leading psychological research, analysts interpreted "deja vu" as the manifestation of subconscious conflict. But now psychologists have proposed that "deja vu" does not necessarily occur on the basis of deep subconscious conflict. Generally healthy brain will produce this feeling, In addition, it may be accompanied by "jamaisvu", that is, the feeling of seeing familiar things or words but not remembering anything for a moment, The emergence of the sense of "deja vu" may be due to people receiving too much information and not paying attention to the source of information. The sense of familiarity may come from various channels, some of which are real, some of which are illusory. When you encounter a situation described in a novel that you have forgotten, you may regard it as a memory of your previous life. Or, when you are in a real scene that you have seen a movie before, you may think it as a memory of your past life, Psychologists also point out that sometimes people don't need real memory at all, so it's possible to create a sense of familiarity inside the brain
To get rid of the preconceived view of science, there are the following explanations
1. The human brain is always making up all kinds of scenarios, mainly subconscious activities. When you encounter similar scenarios in reality, it will echo with the previous fictional scenarios in your memory. With the effect of psychological reinforcement, you will have the feeling of deja vu. Because in sleep, the brain is still calculating some parameters in reality, There are many kinds of results. Deja vu is one of the results of brain operation
2. Researchers believe that this may be an impression that has been hidden in the dreamer's subconscious for a long time, and then appears in the dream by chance. Some studies also point out that this phenomenon is related to another kind of subconsciousness beyond time and space, Some brain activity experts point out that this phenomenon may also be caused by the fact that one side of our brain processes information slightly faster than the other
3. This is the collision of time and space tunnel or the memory of dream. In the dream, you have seen the scene that is going to happen, but you can't remember the dream clearly, so when you encounter something, you will feel as if you have experienced it there. In fact, it reminds you of your own memory, the memory of dream
4. Another medical explanation for this is the transient discharge phenomenon in the cerebral cortex, or the phenomenon of wrong vision, also known as visual memory, which often occurs when you are in a very familiar environment, When you see something or meet something, you first store it in the cache. The reason why things in front of you seem to have experienced this feeling is that we made a mistake when we stored it in the historical memory. When we looked at things in front of you, you found it out of the historical memory, You feel as if it's happened before. It's easier to have this illusion when your brain is tired
5. The difference of consciousness flow between life and death\____ /Death. This is the flow chart of human consciousness. When people are born with consciousness, the consciousness always flows flat before death. After death, people's consciousness will follow a zigzag route back to the time of birth, so it will go back and forth. Because of the zigzag route after death, the memory of life is recorded in segments. Only the memory at the junction can be entangled by the consciousness of the next "life", Deja vu phenomenon will appear. As for why young people and old people have this phenomenon, it is also easy to explain. The normal ideology of young people is still forming, while the memory recall function of old people is stronger. Because of the pressure of life, middle-aged people often ignore this feeling, rather than not exist
6. In physics, this phenomenon is called time reversal, that is, when the speed is faster than the speed of light, space and time crisscross, and the four-dimensional space occasionally has a chaotic special human feeling. When a scene occurs, the human control nerve (part of the central nerve) will be transmitted to the memory nerve at a very fast speed, and the brain's reaction has not yet been transmitted to the memory nerve, So when the brain's reaction is transmitted to the memory nerve, it will make people feel the same as before. Some scientists speculate that the transmission speed of the control nerve and memory nerve will be faster than the speed of light. This is a huge challenge to the theory of relativity. Of course, this theory has not been proved, it is just a conjecture stage
7. Although orthodox scientists refuse to talk about the existence of the soul, or have no room to deny this view, high energy physics and some other marginal physics are undeniably involved in this problem, Some heretical physicists put forward that the essence of the soul is a kind of high-energy particles (there are many speculative evidences in physics, because although human beings can predict its existence by relying on physical laws and laws, human science and technology are not enough to verify, including many kinds of high-energy particles, etc.), and they carry huge energy, It can break through the barriers of time and space, that is to say, it can move in time and space. This inference is completely in line with Einstein's theory of relativity. Its special property is that it can act as a carrier of information to move disorderly in time and space, But we can be sure that brain waves have a certain effect on it. This is what we call thinking or conscious activity in the brain. This kind of particle usually spreads in a large number in the space around us, and of course also exists in our brain. Because of its characteristics, we can receive external information to think, remember and recall, There is also forgetting. Forgetting means that some particles with information swim out of the conscious space of our brain. Unfortunately, it is not clear what causes the attraction and repulsion between these particles, which may be related to our brain waves and other brain chemicals, When our brain dies, a large number of particles will swim away from the memory area of our brain. Because we still don't know the principle of attraction and repulsion of these particles, we can't explain and infer them