Examples of discounts in life

Examples of discounts in life

Many shopping malls distinguish member price, which is a way to discount members
In addition, your teachers order teaching materials, the general bookstore will also give them a discount
Usually, students here pay 85% off, while teachers get a 30% discount from the salesmen in the bookstore
The price reduction of shopping malls is also a kind of discount behavior
For example: a shop put out posters - all 50% off, that is to say, all the goods inside are only charged by the original 50%

Give me an example of "giving is happier than receiving" that you feel in your life

In fact, there are many such examples. For example, when you help others to accomplish things that others are not competent for or accomplish under certain conditions, you feel much happier and more comfortable than when others help you accomplish things that you can do
In life, it is inevitable that everyone needs help. When we are very willing and timely to help a person in special need, we will definitely have a sense of self affirmation and satisfaction, and a sense of self existence value. This is a very happy thing

Examples of Doppler effect!
What Doppler effects do you have in daily life?

The most common is that when the car honks from far to near, the tone you hear is higher, while when the car honks from far away, the tone you hear is lower