Is parallelogram an axisymmetric figure

Is parallelogram an axisymmetric figure

There are two situations
1: Common case: it is a general parallelogram, which is a centrosymmetric figure
2: Special cases, such as: square, diamond, rectangle It's axisymmetric, it's Square, and it's centrosymmetric

A parallelogram must not be an axisymmetric figure______ (judge right or wrong)

Parallelogram must not be an axisymmetric figure. For example, rectangle and square are special parallelogram, they are axisymmetric figures, so parallelogram is not necessarily an axisymmetric figure, not necessarily an axisymmetric figure

A parallelogram is a centrosymmetric figure with its symmetry center
I haven't learned yet
So it's better to write down the reasons

As like as two peas, the

parallelogram is a central symmetric figure. According to the central symmetry, you cut a parallelogram, then pinch the middle and rotate the graph in any direction for 180 degrees. He still has the same figure. This is called the center symmetry, and the middle is the center of symmetry.
But parallelogram also includes many kinds, such as square, but the square is centrosymmetric and axisymmetric
For example: because a square is an axisymmetric figure, all parallelograms are axisymmetric
This sentence is wrong. It's too one-sided. Flatten the picture and draw a parallelogram obliquely, but it's not axisymmetric. So it's wrong to say the above words!

The beginning of the composition "kuakuakua the teacher around me" leads to the description of the teacher's appearance. It's really urgent. Please do it as soon as possible

Boast about the teachers around you
As soon as I saw this topic, I thought of Mr. Zhang
When it comes to Chinese teacher Zhang, I believe everyone will have a kind of closeness and love. So do I. after that, I adored teacher Zhang even more
I remember a Chinese test, because my composition scores were deducted more, so my grades were not ideal. Since then, I lost confidence in the subject of Chinese. After a few weeks in a composition class, Mr. Zhang introduced the excellent compositions of the students "The next one is Gu Huihui's, please let her introduce it to you." I was stunned when I heard it. I think the distance between my composition and the previous students is too far to compare. How can I introduce me? I went to the podium inexplicably, took the composition book, opened it, and saw a bar marked with a five pointed star. "Read this paragraph, Well written! "I read this passage with both voice and emotion, and suddenly felt that Mr. Zhang was so good!
Just when I was in the lowest mood and almost lost confidence in Chinese, Miss Zhang was like a beacon, lighting up my confidence again. After this, I like Miss Zhang even more! I like her good at finding the bright spots of her classmates, even if it's just a small section; like her, she never totally negates a student, always encourages us and gives us confidence
This matter is still fresh in my memory up to now. It is this matter that makes me admire Mr. Zhang and like Chinese more, so I will be very serious in Chinese class
In addition, in the Chinese class, usually chat with Mr. Zhang, I will feel that Mr. Zhang's literary foundation is very deep, speech is also very cultured, it is admirable! Not only that, I think Mr. Zhang let people feel very friendly, she likes to call my nickname - "Huihui". Several times, I feel like my mother is calling me
No matter from personal cultivation, teaching methods, or even teacher-student relationship, Mr. Zhang is so outstanding, which makes me admire and like him!

Why is a rotationally symmetric figure not necessarily a centrosymmetric figure
Such as the title

Centrosymmetry refers to a figure that can overlap with the original figure after rotating 180 degrees around its geometric center. This point is its center of symmetry. For example, rhombic rotational symmetry does not rotate a certain angle, but the angle of non circumference. That is to say, it cannot be an integral multiple of 360 degrees

The beginning and end of the composition "science is by my side"

At the beginning: take an example to show us the scientific truth of what we have experienced around us. It's better to take the experience of a day as a clue, such as waking up at a fixed time in the morning, bringing scientific knowledge such as biological clock, and then telling us the scientific truth from various events at home and school

An isosceles triangle is an axisymmetric figure. It has two sides______ There is an axis of symmetry

According to isosceles triangles include isosceles triangles and equilateral triangles with equal sides. Therefore, the symmetry axis of isosceles triangles should be one or three

Write the beginning of the composition of life, and dedication linked, fast, I am anxious to use!

Is an equilateral triangle an axisymmetric figure? If so, point out its axis of symmetry
To be expressed in mathematical language,

Yes. The axis of symmetry is three high

Stories of Chinese Mathematicians (less than 50 words)

Rudolph, a German mathematician in the 16th century, spent his whole life calculating the PI to 35 decimal places. Later generations called it Rudolph's number. After his death, others engraved it on his tombstone. Swiss mathematician Jacques Bernoulli studied the spiral (known as the line of life) before his death. After his death, a logarithmic spiral was engraved on his tombstone, At the same time, the inscription also reads: "I have changed, but I am the same as before." this is a pun that not only depicts the nature of spiral, but also symbolizes his love for mathematics
Von Neumann is one of the most outstanding mathematicians in the 20th century. As we all know, the invention of the electronic computer in 1946 greatly promoted the progress of science and technology, and greatly promoted the progress of social life. In view of the key role played by von Neumann in the invention of the electronic computer, he was known as the "father of computer" by westerners from 1911 to 1921, During his study in Lucerne high school in Budapest, von Neumann came to the fore and was highly valued by his teachers. Under the guidance of Mr. Fichte, he published his first mathematical paper. At this time, von Neumann was less than 18 years old
Galois was born in a small town not far from Paris. His father was a school principal and mayor for many years. The influence of his family made him brave and fearless. In 1823, 12-year-old Galois left his parents and went to Paris to study. He was not satisfied with the dull classroom indoctrination and went to the most difficult original work of mathematics, Some of the teachers also helped him a lot. They said that he should only work in the cutting-edge field of mathematics
Archimedes was born in Syracuse, Sicily, on the southern tip of the Italian peninsula in 287 BC. His father was a mathematician and astronomer. Archimedes had a good family upbringing since he was a child. At the age of 11, he was sent to Alexandria, the cultural center of Greece at that time, to study. In this famous city known as "the capital of wisdom", Archimedes read a lot of books and learned a lot of knowledge, He was also a student of Euclid, eratose and canon, and studied geometry
Zu Chongzhi's outstanding achievement in mathematics is about the calculation of PI. Before the Qin and Han Dynasties, people used "track one week" as pi, which is called "ancient ratio". Later, it was found that the error of ancient ratio was too large, and PI should be "circle diameter one and more than three days", but there were different opinions on how much more. Until the Three Kingdoms period, Liu Hui put forward the scientific method of calculating pi - "cutting circle", Liu Hui calculated the inscribed 96 polygon of a circle and got π = 3.14. He pointed out that the more sides of the inscribed regular polygon, the more accurate the value of π. On the basis of previous achievements, Zu Chongzhi studied hard and calculated repeatedly, and found that π was between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927. He also obtained the approximate value of π fraction form, which was taken as the reduction rate, The sixth decimal is 3.141929, which is the closest fraction to the value of π when the denominator is less than 1000. It is impossible to find out how Zu Chongzhi got this result. If we imagine that he used Liu Hui's method of "circle cutting", we should calculate that the circle is inscribed with 16384 edges, How much time and labor does it take? It can be seen that his perseverance and intelligence are admirable. It is more than one thousand years since foreign mathematicians got the same result. In order to commemorate his outstanding contribution, some foreign mathematical historians suggest that π = be called "Zuli"
Born in 624 B.C., Cyrus was the first world-famous great mathematician in ancient Greece. He was a shrewd businessman. After he accumulated considerable wealth by selling olive oil, Cyrus devoted himself to scientific research and travel. He was diligent and studious. At the same time, he was not superstitious to the ancients. He was brave in exploration, creation and positive thinking, So he often traveled to Egypt. There, seles got to know the rich mathematical knowledge accumulated by the ancient Egyptians in thousands of years. When he visited Egypt, he used a clever method to calculate the height of the pyramid, which made the ancient Egyptian king amesis admire