Open the textbook, rotate or translate?

Open the textbook, rotate or translate?

In the three-dimensional angle, of course, the spine is the axis of rotation. In the two-dimensional angle, it is neither translation nor rotation

Is opening and closing doors a rotating phenomenon

It's rotation
In the plane, the transformation of a figure rotating around point O is called rotation, point O is called rotation center, and the rotation angle is called rotation angle
Opening and closing doors also revolve around a point, which is a phenomenon of rotation

How many degrees can the door of the classroom rotate?
The height of the door is about (20.2) decimeters, the width of the door is about (8.6) decimeters, (draw the plan). Can you find out the floor area after opening the door?
4. The front and back doors of the classroom open, covering an area of about () square meters

In fact, this is a problem of fan-shaped area. In theory, the door of a classroom can rotate 180 degrees, that is, the door can rotate around an axis of 20.2 decimeters. It is meaningless to simply calculate the floor area. In fact, the door is three-dimensional, so it should be counted as occupying space. The floor area has nothing to do with the height of the door

Open the door, is it translation or rotation?

If it's a glass door, it's translation

After the figure is translated, the position relation of the corresponding line segment is

The translated graph is parallel (or on the same line) and equal to the corresponding line segment of the original graph

Moving a figure along a certain direction in a plane for a certain distance is called translation. The following statement about translation is correct: a-plane
Moving a figure along a certain direction in a plane for a certain distance is called translation
A translation does not change the size of the figure, only the shape of the figure
B translation does not change the position of the figure, only changes the size of the figure
C translation does not change the shape of the figure, only changes the size of the figure
D translation does not change the size and shape of the figure, only changes the position of the figure


After translation, each point on the graph moves in the same direction

After translation, each point on the graph moves the same distance in the same direction

Translation: an object or figure moves along () for a certain distance in the same plane without any change in direction. This phenomenon is called translation

Straight line direction

Translation of graphics
1. If a △ ABC is shifted to the right by 0.8 cm, then a point D on edge AB whose distance from point a is 0.3 cm is shifted to the right____
2. Put the chess pieces into the "t" pattern as shown in the figure
(1) Translate the 100th "t" so that there are as many overlapping pieces as possible between the 100th "t" and the 770th "t", then the non overlapping pieces are shared_____ individual
What about the first question

1:0.8cm 2:98

What is a regular polygon? What conditions should it meet?

A polygon with equal sides and angles is called a regular polygon. Polygon: the center of a regular polygon whose number of sides is greater than or equal to 3. The center of the circumscribed circle of a regular polygon is called the center of the regular polygon. The length of the line between the center and the vertex of the regular polygon is called the radius. The distance between the center and the edge is called the edge center distance