We know the line y = - 3 / 2x-1. (1) how to translate the line along the X axis to make it pass through the origin? (2) How to translate the line along the Y axis to make it pass (- 2,4)?

We know the line y = - 3 / 2x-1. (1) how to translate the line along the X axis to make it pass through the origin? (2) How to translate the line along the Y axis to make it pass (- 2,4)?

The solution holds the line y = - 3 / 2x-1
Shift 2 / 3 units to the right
That is y = - 3 / 2 (X-2 / 3) - 1
That is y = - 3 / 2x
2 the equation is y = - 3 / 2x + B after the line is translated along the Y axis
Passing through the point (- 2,4)
That is 4 = - 3 / 2 * (- 2) + B
That is, B = 1
After translating the line along the Y axis, the equation is y = - 3 / 2x + 1
Therefore, the straight line y = - 3 / 2x-1 is translated upward by 2 units
The equation is y = - 3 / 2x + 1

Given the line y = - 12x + 1, how to translate the line along the X axis to cross the origin

Let the analytic expression of the line after translation be y = - 12x + B, and substitute the origin (0, 0) to get b = 0, that is, the analytic expression of the line after translation is y = - 12x, ∵ y = - 12x + 1 = - 12 (X-2), ∵ translate the line y = - 12x + 1 to the left along the X axis by 2 units, and get the image of y = - 12 (X-2 + 2), that is, y = - 12x

Given that the line y = 1 / 2 x + 1, how to translate the line along the X axis to cross the origin

∵ over the origin
Ψ move 2 units to the left

Is swing translation

I'm a second grade teacher in primary school. Tomorrow's open class is translation and rotation. Let me tell you that swing is not translation, but rotation
Translation means that an object moves along a straight line and its direction does not change
Rotation is a circular movement of an object around a point or an axis, no matter one circle, ten circles or less than one circle. As long as this movement is done, it is rotation. Dangqiu is not moving along a straight line, but rotating around the bracket, which can also be said to be swinging!

Swing is rotation or translation

Is the pendulum of a pendulum moving in translation or rotation
The sooner the better

The pendulum of a pendulum clock rotates
When the pendulum angle is less than 10 degrees, it can be regarded as translation, but not translation

Is pendulum motion translational?

It's a circular motion

Translation, rotation
If you want to translate two grids, then the figure is formed by five grids. What should you do

First of all, no matter what the figure is, translation is actually the translation of points. The translation of all points on the figure constitutes the translation of the figure. No matter how many lattices the figure is formed, you can take some points on the figure, translate all two lattices, and then connect these points to form the figure, and the figure will be translated
Using this method is helpful for you to understand translation, and it is not easy to make mistakes

Translation or rotation


Is the movement of pushing and closing a door translational or rotational, or both?

Rotation, where the hinge can be seen as an axis, there is no displacement. The door is moving around this point, and the distance from the farthest end of the door to the hinge does not change