Xiao Li is 27 years younger than her mother, and her father is 4 years older than her mother. The total age of the three is 82. How old is Xiao Li this year

Xiao Li is 27 years younger than her mother, and her father is 4 years older than her mother. The total age of the three is 82. How old is Xiao Li this year

The sum of the ages of father, mother and Xiao Li is 80. Father is four times as old as Xiao Li, and mother is one year younger than father
Can you work out Xiao Li's age?

Because mother is one year younger than father, if mother adds one year, the sum of two fathers' age and Xiao Li's age is 81, and father's age is four times of Xiao Li's, then 81 is the sum of nine Xiao Li's age
81 / 9 = 9: Xiaoli is 9 years old, her father is 36 and her mother is 35

I'm six years old. My age is six times that of you. How old is my father this year? How old was my father last year
I'm six years old. My age is six times that of you. How old is my father this year? How many times that of Xiaoli last year?

Dad 36