Xiao Ming and Xiao Li start from a and B, which are 8km apart Xiao Ming and Xiao Li start from a and B, which are 8km apart, and travel in opposite directions. It is known that Xiao Li's speed is 56m / min and Xiao Ming's speed is 64M / min. how many meters less does Xiao Li walk than Xiao Ming in a few minutes?

Xiao Ming and Xiao Li start from a and B, which are 8km apart Xiao Ming and Xiao Li start from a and B, which are 8km apart, and travel in opposite directions. It is known that Xiao Li's speed is 56m / min and Xiao Ming's speed is 64M / min. how many meters less does Xiao Li walk than Xiao Ming in a few minutes?

8000 ÷ (56 + 64) = 200 / 3 minutes
Less walking (64-56) * 200 / 3 = 1600 / 3M

Xiaoming walks 30 meters per minute Xiaohua walks 25 meters per minute Xiaoli walks 20 meters per minute Xiaoming starts from a place Xiaohua and Xiaoli starts from B place at the same time and faces each other
Xiaoming walks 30 meters per minute Xiaohua walks 25 meters per minute Xiaoli walks 20 meters per minute Xiaoming starts from a place Xiaohua and Xiaoli starts from B place at the same time and faces each other. After Xiaoming and Xiaohua meet, they meet Xiaoli again five minutes later to find the distance between the two places

Let Xiaoming and Xiaohua meet at t
30t + 25t = 30(t+5)+20(t+5)
The solution is t = 50
30 × 50 + 25 × 50 = 2750m
So the distance between AB and ab is 2750 meters

Xiao Ming and Xiao Li set out from a and B at the same time and walked opposite each other. Xiao Ming walked 70 meters per minute and Xiao Li 65 meters per minute. After they met, they continued to move forward. When Xiao Ming went to B and Xiao Hong went to a, they immediately followed the same route and went back to the second meeting for 35 minutes. How far is the distance between AB and a?

(70 + 65) * 35 / 3 = 1575m

A. The distance between the two places is 36km. Xiaoli rides a bicycle from place a to place B, and Xiaoming rides a bicycle from place B to place A. they set out at the same time and walk opposite to each other. After 1h, they get together

Let Xiao Li's velocity be x and Xiao Ming's velocity be y
One hour later, they met
x+y=36/1…… ①
After another 0.5 hours, Xiaoli has (36-1.5x) km left
The rest of Xiaoming is (36-1.5y) km
According to the meaning of the title:
36-1.5y=2(36-1.5x)…… ②
The results are as follows
So the speed of Xiaoli is 20km / h, and that of Xiaoming is 16km / h