What properties of parallelogram can be used to describe set

What properties of parallelogram can be used to describe set

The opposite sides are equal, the opposite angles are equal, and the diagonal lines are equally divided

How to express the set of parallelogram?

A = {x | x is a parallelogram}

There are three forces at an angle of 120 ° to each other, which are 12n, 15N and 15N respectively______ .

According to the rule of parallelogram, two forces of equal size form an angle of 120 degrees to each other. As shown in the figure, the resultant force and the component force are equal, and the direction is along the angle bisector of the angle between the two components. Therefore, the resultant force of two 15N forces is still 15N, and the resultant force direction is opposite to the 12n force, then the resultant force of the three forces is 3N

F1 is 3N, F2 is 7n, F3 is 12n, find the resultant force range of these three forces

Maximum 22n minimum 2n

Let a balloon with gravity of 3.0N be subjected to two other forces at the same time. The horizontal thrust of wind is 12n and the buoyancy of air is 8.0n

The resultant force of 13N in the vertical direction is 5N, and that in the horizontal direction is 12n. The resultant force of 13N is 13x13 = 12x12 + 5x5
The calculation of resultant force is the same as the synthesis of vector

Two forces of 15N and 8N, their resultant force may be?

The resultant force is between 7n and 23n

How to find the resultant range of several forces
I know how to find the maximum value, which is the sum of several, but what about the minimum value?

If you think step by step, it will be as simple as the maximum
1. When there are multiple forces, find out the two with the largest value first, and take the difference between them
2. Line up this difference with other forces, and choose the two largest ones. Repeat step 1 until all forces are finished

What is the minimum force of 3 N, 4 N and 9 n

9-(4+3)=2 N,
That is to say, let the force of 4N and 3N be opposite to that of 9N

How to calculate the resultant force of three forces

1. The orthogonal method is used to determine a coordinate axis. Each force is decomposed into two parts along the horizontal and vertical axis, and then added to each axis separately
2. Using the parallelogram rule, the resultant force of two forces is calculated first, and then combined with the third force
3. There is also the triangle rule, which is the second extension

How to find the resultant force of three forces
F1, F2, F3 three forces, F1
Can you give me a formula to calculate the range of resultant force

If the three forces are in the same direction, the resultant force is the largest and the reverse direction is the smallest. If the three forces are no longer at a certain angle on the same line, we need to use the parallelogram rule to solve it. It's very simple!