What is the law of acceleration?

What is the law of acceleration?

Newton's three laws are the important laws in mechanics, which are the basis of studying classical mechanics. 1. Newton's first law content: any body maintains a state of static or uniform linear motion until it is forced to change this state by the force of other bodies

The acceleration and displacement are known to calculate the time and the maximum speed
If the maximum acceleration that passengers can endure in a subway train is a = 1.4m/s2, and the distance between a and B subway stations is x = 560m, the shortest running time of the train between the two stations and the maximum running speed of the train between the two stations are calculated

It can't be said upstairs,
There is an implied meaning in this question that the speed to B is 0
A * t * t / 2 = s / 2 (acceleration process) = deceleration process

Given the initial velocity, time, displacement
A car moves at a uniform speed of 10m / s, decelerates and moves in a straight line when entering the station, with an acceleration of 2m / s
Ask: from the beginning of deceleration, the displacement in 3 seconds? What are the displacements in 10 seconds?

In fact, you can just set up a formula. First, let's say the first question. Using the formula s = VT + 1 / 2 × at ^ 2, the initial velocity is known as 10, that is, V is 10, and t is 3. Note that because it is a uniform deceleration motion, a = - 2, which is brought into the formula s = 10 × 3 + 1 / 2 × (- 2) × 3 ^ 2 = 21 (m)
Second, you need to know that the car stops in five seconds, so t = 5 is substituted into the formula, s = 10 × 5 + 1 / 2 × (- 2) × 5 ^ 2 = 25

The range of definite integral value: ∫ (0, - 2) Xe ^ (x) DX

The above is the integral from 0 to - 2. If you want to write the integral from - 2 to 0, it is the opposite number 3E ^ (- 2) + 1;

How to find ∫ sin (LNX) DX
After thinking for a long time, it turns out that there are many strange things!

In this paper, the integral ∫ sin (LNX) DX = xsin (LNX) - ∫ xdsin (LNX) = xsin (LNX) - ∫ xcos (LNX) / xdx = xsin (LNX) - ∫ cos (LNX) DX = xsin (LNX) - xcos (LNX) + ∫ xdcos (LNX) = xsin (LNX) - xcos (LNX) - ∫ sin (LNX) DX = 1 / 2 [xsin (LN

How to find the indefinite integral of COS (x ^ 2)
How to find (x ^ 3) * cos (x ^ 2) with the method of partial integration

(x ^ 3) * cos (x ^ 2) is written as (x ^ 2) * cos (x ^ 2) d (x ^ 2) / 2
You can do it yourself

Finding cos ^ 2 (x / 2) indefinite integral


Seeking indefinite integral x ^ (- 3 / 2) * cos (x)
Back to the first floor:
The integral power of X is easier to deal with by partial integration, but I'm still not good at - 3 / 2 power

I think: we should dare to try the - 3 / 2 power of X --- the original formula = ∫ x ^ (- 3 / 2) * cos (x) DX = ∫ cosx D (- 2 * x ^ - 1 / 2) = - 2 * < (x ^ - 1 / 2) cosx - ∫ x ^ - 1 / 2 D (cosx) > = - 2 * > = - 2 * ∫ SiNx D (- 2 / 3 x ^ (- 3 / 2)) = 4 / 3 * (SiNx * - the original formula). Therefore, the term transfer can be obtained____ ...

The calculation of indefinite integral ∫ e ^ DX ^ = - 2x
The process should be detailed

What is equal to = - 2x
Is that right

Solving the reciprocal of definite integral A to B F (2x)
I want to know the process, not the direct result

Is it the reciprocal or the derivative? If it's the reciprocal, I can't help it. I'll do it for you according to the derivative!
The original formula = ∫ (a, b) f '(2x) DX