Can the triangle rule of force be connected end to end If the resultant force is 0, how to draw the triangle rule

Can the triangle rule of force be connected end to end If the resultant force is 0, how to draw the triangle rule

How to find similar triangle after stress analysis

Draw the three forces on the three sides of the triangle, and find a geometric triangle similar to the triangle on the way. In the process of analysis, if the length and direction of the side change, the corresponding force of the triangle will change accordingly

The similar triangle method solves the balance problem of the object skillfully

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∫ (x ^ 1 / 3 + 3) ^ 2DX ∫ (2x-1) ^ 2xdx for indefinite integral,

(1) The original formula = ∫ [x ^ (2 / 3) + 6x ^ (1 / 3) + 9] DX
(2) Original formula = ∫ (4x ^ 3-4x ^ 2-x) DX
Where C is an arbitrary constant