Please help me out 10 calculation problems of multiplying fractions by integers

Please help me out 10 calculation problems of multiplying fractions by integers

How to multiply fractions by integers?
It's an integer that divides the numerator, multiplies the numerator, and then the answer
Or integer and numerator, and then multiply numerator and denominator (both multiplied), and then the answer
Integers are positive integers (natural numbers, excluding 1 and 0)

First, of course,
For example, three times one half
It's three-thirds,
According to your second thought, it's three sixths. It's no use multiplying by three,
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Please choose the right one as the best one

It's not a simple problem. I'll give you a big reward,

1/2×4/5= 7/8×4/7= 7/12×2/5= 9/11×4/7= 6/7×2/13= 2/11×5/6= 4/7×3/8= 7/9×3/5=2/7×3/4= 12/17×5/6= 9/8×3/4= 9/10×5/3=7/15×5/6= 4/7×1/2= 3/5×5/6=...