What is the relationship between the two calculation methods

What is the relationship between the two calculation methods

It's different methods. In fact, the meaning is almost the same. Just look at the distribution rate. It's the same. I'll tell you more about your questions,

Area of triangle and circle!

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Su teaches sixth grade first volume related mathematics question!
A cube with an edge length of 6cm is fused into a cuboid with a length of 10cm and a width of 4cm. The cuboid is () decimeters high

54 decimeter

1,2,3,4,5 these numbers with what method can be 999

There are 14 formulas: 2 * 4 * 5 ^ 3-1 = 999 (2 * 5) ^ 3-1 ^ 4 = 999 2 * 5 ^ 3 * 4-1 = 999 ((4-2) * 5) ^ 3-1 = 999 4 * 2 * 5 ^ 3-1 = 999 (4 / 2 * 5) ^ 3-1 = 999 (4 * 5 / 2) ^ 3-1 = 999 4 * 5 ^ 3 * 2-1 = 999 (5 * 2) ^ 3-1 = 999 (5 * 4) ^ 3-1 = 999 5 ^ 3

Put 12345 into five digits without repetition, and arrange them from small to large. What's the item 43251? What's the item 96? Sum all the items?

A total of 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120 five digit numbers can be formed. From the left, there are 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 for 5 in the first place, 4 in the first place, 3 × 2 × 1 = 6 for 5 in the second place, 4 in the first place and 3 in the second place. From the big to the small, they are 435214351243215

Among the five numbers 12345, four digits are selected to form the four digits that are divided by three and the remaining one. How many such four digits are there?

If you don't consider 1, you can't make up four digits from 2345
If we don't consider 2, we can make up 24 numbers from 1345, and all of them meet the requirements
If you don't consider 3, you can't meet the requirement by 1245
If we don't consider 4, we can't meet the requirement by 1235
Regardless of 5, 24 numbers can be made up of 1234, and all of them meet the requirements
Therefore, a total of 48 sets of data

How many primes are there in all the five digits obtained by arbitrarily changing the positions on the trees of five digit 12345?

Because the sum of the five digit numbers equals 15 and can be divisible by 3, the five digit number must be divisible by 3 and cannot be prime

Is there any prime number in the eight digits obtained by arbitrarily changing the digit positions of 72835461?

The number position of 72835461 can be changed arbitrarily. In a word, the sum of the numbers is invariable
The sum of your numbers = 7 + 2 + 8 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 6 + 1 = 36
Because the sum of the numbers can be divided by 9, the numbers formed by any exchange can be divided by 9 and cannot be prime numbers

How many primes are there in the five digits obtained by arbitrarily changing the digits of 12345? (theoretical proof)
If you can't, don't answer,

None of them
First of all, there is a theorem: a number can be divided by 3 if the sum of its digits
For example, 12345, the number of each digit add 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15, so 12345 can be divided by 3
In the same way, 54321 can be divided by 3, and so on
Because 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15 can be divided by 3, no matter how to change, the number can be divided by 3

The number of prime numbers in the five digit number obtained by arbitrarily changing the position of each digit of five digit number 12345 is______ One

1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = 15, 15 is a multiple of 3, so no matter how it is exchanged, it has a factor of 3, so it must be a composite number, there is no prime number