How VT 2 - VO 2 = 2 as is deformed

How VT 2 - VO 2 = 2 as is deformed

s=v0t+1/2 *a*t ^2
Substitute by the above three formulas
Simplification deformation
v0*(vt-v0)/a + 1/2*a*[(vt-v0)/a]^2=s
If you don't answer on the first floor or the second floor, can you stop making trouble? What are the points

Physical displacement formula of senior one

S = VT, this is a uniform linear motion. What kind of displacement formula do you want?

Physics of senior one only knows which formula can be used for μ and displacement

1) Sliding friction: F = μ FN, that is, the sliding friction is proportional to the pressure
(2) Static friction: 1. Newton's second law should be used in the calculation of general static friction
F = μ FN; ② there is a formula for calculating the maximum static friction force: F = μ FN (Note: the difference between μ here and μ in the sliding friction law, but in general, we think it is the same)

The solution of several physical formulas (explain the meaning and under what circumstances)
4. Average velocity (V above one horizontal) = x / T = (VO + VT) / 2

1. The formula for calculating the acceleration of uniform variable speed motion is that △ V is the final velocity minus the initial velocity (set the positive direction first, the same as the positive direction is a positive number, the opposite is a negative number), and △ t is the time difference (positive), which is suitable for calculating the acceleration of uniform variable speed motion;
2. The formula for calculating the final velocity in uniform variable speed motion is VO, a is acceleration and t is time difference. It is suitable for calculating the final velocity when the initial velocity, acceleration and time are known in uniform variable speed motion;
3. The formula of displacement in uniform variable speed motion, VO is the initial velocity, a is the acceleration, t is the time difference, which is suitable for finding the displacement of the object in this period of time when the initial velocity, acceleration and time are known in uniform variable speed motion;
4. The formula for calculating the average velocity in uniform variable speed motion is suitable for calculating the average velocity in uniform variable speed motion when the initial velocity and final velocity are known;
5. The formula of displacement in uniform variable speed motion can be used to calculate the displacement when the initial velocity, final velocity and acceleration are known

Explanation and formula derivation of physical moment of inertia Senior one
When the ring rotates around the axis perpendicular to the section, I = Mr ^ 2
When the ring pair rotates along the diameter axis, I = (MR ^ 2) / 2
When the hollow cylinder pair passes through the center, the axis perpendicular to the section rotates I = [M (R1 ^ 2 + R2 ^ 2)] / 2
When the solid cylinder (disk) rotates around the central axis, I = (MR ^ 2) / 2
When the solid sphere rotates around the diameter I = 2 / 5 Mr ^ 2
When the spherical shell rotates around the diameter I = 2 / 3 Mr ^ 2
These are the moments of inertia of a rigid body with uniform density But I don't know the principle, the explanation and the formula derivation thank

The moment of inertia is defined as follows:
When an object rotates around an axis, the object is divided into innumerable particles. The masses of each particle are M1, M2 and M3 respectively. The distances from each particle to the axis of rotation are R1, R2 and R3 respectively. Then the sum of the products of the masses of all particles and the square of their distances to the axis is the moment of inertia of the whole object
Moment of inertia J = M1 * R1 ^ 2 + M2 * R2 ^ 2 + m3 * R3 ^ 2 +. = ∑ mi * RI ^ 2
It is generally solved by integral

Proving the formula of changing the bottom of grade one in Senior High School
You're using the bottom formula, not proving it
We already know:
Given a ^ B = C, let a = x ^ y, C = x ^ Z be substituted,
X ^ Yb = x ^ Z, so Yb = Z,
Also, B = log (a, c), y = log (x, a), z = log (x, c)
LOG(A,C) = LOG(X,C) / LOG(X,A)

Let logbn = x, BX = n
Take the logarithm of a as the base on both sides and get: xlogab = Logan
X= logbN =
logbN = logbalogaN = logaN·logba
∴logaN =
Taking the logarithm of a as the base from both sides of n = blogbn, we can get Logan = logbn · logab
∴logbN =

The time required for the pendulum of a clock to swing back and forth is called a period, and its calculation formula is t = 2 π √ L / g, where t is the period (unit: seconds), g = 9.8 m / S ^ 2. Every time the pendulum swings back and forth, it emits a tick. So how many times does the clock tick in a minute?

T = 2 * 3.14 √ (1 / 9.8) is about 2 seconds
A: the clock ticks about 30 times in a minute

Formula proof of odd even function
If the domain of F (x) is symmetric about the origin, then f (x) = f (x) + F (- x) is an even function and G (x) = f (x) - f (- x) is an odd function
In this way, f (x) can be expressed as the sum of an even function and an odd function of F (x) = 1 / 2 [f (x) + F (- x)] + 1 / 2 [f (x) - f (- x)], that is, any function whose domain is symmetric about the origin can be written as the sum of an odd function and an even function
I can't even understand the first step,

First of all, the condition of parity of a function is that the domain of definition is symmetric about the origin
F (- x) = f (- x) + F (x) = f (x), so f (x) is an even function
G (- x) = f (- x) - f (x) = - [f (x) - f (- x)] = - G (- x), so g (x) is an odd function
Is not f (x) = 1 / 2F (x) + 1 / 2g (x)
So it can be written as the sum of an odd function and an even function

A simple mathematical problem
The title is as follows: (0.72 × 11 | 16 × 4.8) / (11 | 25 × 0.96 × 81 | 20)
11 | 16 means 11 / 16, and so on
It's due by 3 p.m. today


Solving a simple mathematical operation problem
Simple calculation is required,
