What sets of numbers does n + n * n represent in mathematics?

What sets of numbers does n + n * n represent in mathematics?

N + n * n = n * (n + 1); represents even number set

The original problem is a = {x | y = LG √ (9x-x ^ 2), X ∈ n}
B = {y | 4 / Y ∈ n ˉ, y ∈ n ˉ}, then the number of elements in a intersection B is---
This is the topic for my interview tomorrow. I've never seen this symbol before

N is a natural number
Only N + is a positive integer
I want to use Z - for negative integers or n for positive integers+
Sometimes it's a wrong number, sometimes it's a question that is scanned, but it's not clear. When I change it into text, it's + changed, or the printing is not clear. The last situation often happens (when I was in school)
Tomorrow morning, ask if the person who mentioned it to you is wrong
I think it means positive integer
The intersection is three
If it's a negative integer
A is an empty set
There is no need to do this problem
If not, you can ask tomorrow and do it now

What does n mean mathematically
That is to say, n only includes 0 and positive integers, not negative ones
So what does it mean that there is a small positive sign in the upper right corner of N

N is the set of positive integers (including 0)
N * represents the set of positive integers (excluding 0)
N is the natural number

What set does n - represent in mathematics?
There's a minus sign! I know n stands for the set of natural numbers. What's n-?
I saw it in the exercise book - what's going on

Geometry of life, the most boring algebra!

What does n mean in mathematics

What does D stand for in mathematics

1. D means "diameter of a circle" and R is the radius of the circle
2. DM is decimeter, CM is centimeter

What does the special symbol a of number set represent
What does a mean, 3Q

The mother of capitals represents a set

What does D stand for in mathematics?

It's too much. It's just a code. There's no special symbol
If you have to say yes, it usually means distance
Tolerance and so on are also expressed in the sequence

What do numbers and numbers mean in mathematics

For example, the sum of 1234 + 2345 + 4567 digits is (4 + 5 + 7) (individual digits) + (3 + 4 + 6) (ten digits) + (2 + 3 + 5) (hundred digits) + (1 + 2 + 4) (thousand digits)?

What is the definition of root in mathematics?

Is it the solution of the equation, or a number to the power of several, or root ah. To make it clear, I can give you a precise definition ah!