Father and friend cooperate to do business, father invests 16000 yuan, friend invests 12000 yuan, after a year profit 14000 yuan. How should father and friend share this money?

Father and friend cooperate to do business, father invests 16000 yuan, friend invests 12000 yuan, after a year profit 14000 yuan. How should father and friend share this money?

16000 + 12000 = 28000 (yuan), father: 14000 × 1600028000 = 8000 (yuan); friend: 14000-8000 = 6000 (yuan). Answer: father and friend each get 8000 yuan and 6000 yuan

Mathematics, why the base of logarithmic function must be greater than zero

Let's first look at the definition of logarithm: the logarithm of X with a as the base is equal to y, which means that the power of y of a is equal to X. then, if a can be negative, what is the logarithm of 8 with - 2 as the base? That is to say, how much power of - 2 is 8? Obviously, this value does not exist. That is to say, the definition field of the logarithm of X with a as the base is discontinuous, which is not in line with our habit

When calculating the division with remainder, xiaotaoqi wrongly wrote 308 as 368. As a result, the quotient increased by five, and the remainder was exactly the same. Find the divisor and remainder of this division formula!

We should first calculate the difference between 308 and 368: 368-308 = 60
How many 5:60 / 5 = 12 out of 60
Then 308 / 12 is the right number
308/12=25…… five
A: the correct divisor is 25 and the remainder is 5

I'm going to ask math questions
9. The following table records the air quality of several cities in China in April 2004. Seven out of ten cities in Shanghai, two-thirds in Shenyang, one-half in Taiyuan, and only 14 out of 15 in Dalian have air quality of grade I and II, accounting for a few percent of the total number of days in this month. First, which city has the most air quality of grade I and II in this month, Calculate how many days each. Who will

Dalian, if 30 days per month, Shanghai: 21 days; Shenyang: 20 days; Taiyuan: 15 days; Dalian: 28 days

Known a1 + A2 + +An = n × n × n, find: 1 / (A2-1) + 1 / (a3-1) + 1 / (a4-1) + +1/(a2011-1)=?

∵a1+a2+…… +an=n×n×n
1/(an-1)=1/(3n^2+3n+1-1)=1/(3n*(n+1))=1/3*[1/n - 1/(n+1)]
1/(a2-1)+1/(a3-1)+1/(a4-1)+…… +1/(a2011-1)
=1/3*{(1/2 - 1/3)+(1/3 - 1/4)+(1/4 - 1/5)+…… (1/2011 - 1/2012)}
=1/3*(1/2 - 1/2012)

Just write out a two digit number that is not equal to a ten digit number, swap the ten digit number with a one digit number to get another two digit number, and subtract the smaller two digit number from the larger two digit number. Can the difference be divided by 9? Why?

Let B be the one digit of the two digit number, a be the ten digit number, and a ≠ B, then the two digit number is 10A + B, and the number after transposing the ten digit number and the one digit number is 10B + A, then the difference between the two two digits is | 10A + B - (10b + a) | = 9| A-B | so the difference between the two digits must be divisible by 9

If the side length of a square is increased by 5 cm, the square will be 95 cm larger than the original square
What is the area of the original square in square centimeter?

The original square is x centimeters long
The original area is 7 * 7 = 49 (cm ^ 2)

How to calculate the P / E of the company?
Suppose that the EPS of company C and company D are both 5 yuan, the retention ratio of company C is 60%, and the return on returned is 15%, and the profits of company D are all paid dividends. The required rate return is 12.5%. What are the P / E ratios of company C and company D?
The answer is: P / E of company C = 57.14/5 = 11.4
Company D's P / E = 40 / 5 = 8
How do you get 57.14 and 40 in the big answer? Help me to explain it. I will offer a reward if it is clear. Thank you^_^

What is p / E of listed companies? How to calculate P / E?
P / E ratio, also known as PE ratio, is an important index to measure the profitability of joint-stock enterprises. Its calculation formula is: P / E ratio = price per share / net profit after tax per share, which reflects the price investors are willing to pay for net profit after tax per yuan
P / E ratio is also a risk indicator, which comprehensively reflects the characteristics of the cost and income of investing in stocks in a certain period. For example, for stocks with 10 times P / E ratio (after tax net profit is the annual report data), it means that shareholders can recover the investment cost in the securities within 10 years under the condition of constant income
The P / E ratio can also be used to evaluate the stock market. If we can estimate the P / E ratio (e.g. the average value of related industries or sectors) and earnings per share respectively, then we can roughly estimate the price of the stock from the P / E ratio formula. This p / E ratio evaluation method is also used to determine the issue price of new shares
[standard calculation method of P / E ratio]
The numerator in the above formula is the current market price per share, and the denominator can be used for the profit of the latest year or the forecast profit of the next year or several years. The P / E ratio is one of the most basic and important indicators to estimate the value of common stock. For example, the stock price of a stock is 24 yuan, and the annual net income per share is 0.60 yuan, The P / E ratio of the stock is 24 / 0.6 = 40 yuan. The calculation formula is s = P / E. where s is the P / E ratio, P is the stock price, and E is the net earnings per share of the stock
It is generally believed that it is normal to keep the ratio between 20 and 30. If the price is too high, the risk is small and it is worth buying. If the price is too high, the risk is high and it should be cautious when buying. However, most stocks with high P / E ratio are popular stocks, while stocks with low P / E ratio may be unpopular stocks
The average p / E ratio of a stock refers to the average p / E ratio of a representative stock index in the stock market. The average p / E ratio should correspond to the stock index, such as the average p / E ratio of the standard & Poor's 500 index, The same below), Nikkei 225 Stock Price Index P / E ratio, Dow Jones average p / E ratio, Shanghai A-share index p / E ratio, and so on
The P / E ratio of an index is the total market value (number of common stocks issued × closing price) of the constituent stocks of an index (excluding loss making stocks, because the P / E ratio of loss making stocks is meaningless) divided by the total net profit
The P / E ratio of Shanghai A-share index refers to the quotient between the total market value and the total net profit of the sample stocks of Shanghai A-share index (including St stocks, excluding Pt stocks, 627 stocks as of January 9, 2002), excluding the loss stocks. The P / E ratio of Shanghai 30 index refers to the quotient between the total market value and the total net profit of the sample stocks of Shanghai 30 index excluding the loss stocks
[static P / E ratio and dynamic P / E ratio]
The P / E ratio widely discussed in the market usually refers to the static P / E ratio, that is, the ratio of the current market price divided by the recently published earnings per share, Moreover, the annual reports are mainly published 2 to 3 months after the end of the period of business operation, which brings many blind spots and misunderstandings to investors' decision-making
The dynamic P / E ratio is calculated by multiplying the static P / E ratio by the dynamic coefficient. The coefficient is 1 / (1 + I) n. I is the growth ratio of earnings per share, and N is the duration of sustainable development. For example, the current share price of a listed company is 20 yuan, and the earnings per share is 0.38 yuan. The earnings per share of the same period last year is 0.28 yuan, and the growth rate is 35%, I = 35%, In the future, the growth rate of the enterprise can last for 5 years, that is, n = 5, then the dynamic coefficient is 1 / (1 + 35%) 5 = 22%. Correspondingly, the dynamic P / E ratio is 11.6 times, that is, 52 (static P / E ratio: 20 yuan / 0.38 yuan = 52) × 22%, The theory of dynamic P / E ratio tells us a simple and profound truth, that is, to invest in the stock market, we must choose companies with sustainable growth. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand why asset restructuring has become the eternal theme of the market, and some companies with poor performance have become black horses in the market under the support of substantive restructuring theme
[several problems in horizontal comparison of P / E ratios in different markets]
The P / E ratio is a very rough index. Considering the comparability, it is more meaningful to compare the P / E ratios of the same index at different stages, and we should be very careful when we compare the P / E ratios of different markets horizontally
(1) the P / E ratio of the composite index to that of the composite index, and the P / E ratio of the component index to that of the component index. The sample stocks of the composite index include all the stocks in the market (except Pt stocks in Shanghai and Shenzhen markets). The P / E ratio is generally high, while the sample stocks of the component index are carefully selected. Generally, the average share capital is larger and the average performance is better, Therefore, the P / E ratio of foreign stocks is lower. We often see that most of the P / E ratios of foreign stocks are the P / E ratios of component indexes. If we compare them with the P / E ratios of our composite indexes, we will make a conceptual mistake
Generally speaking, if other factors remain unchanged, there is a positive relationship between the reciprocal of the benchmark interest rate and the average p / E ratio of the stock market, At present, the central bank's rediscount rate is 2.97%, the one-year deposit yield is 1.80%, the federal funds rate is 1.75%, and the Federal Reserve's re posting rate is 1.25%. There is little difference between the benchmark interest rates of China and the United States, but vertically, China's current benchmark interest rate is very low, According to the current price level of our country and the orientation of our country's future active fiscal policy and moderate monetary policy, it is possible for China to lower the interest rate again
(3) the P / E ratio should be linked to the capital stock. The average p / E ratio is related to both the total capital stock and the circulating capital stock. The smaller the total capital stock and the circulating capital stock are, the higher the average p / E ratio will be (stenster Management Consulting China, 2001). On the contrary, the lower the average p / E ratio will be. This is not the case in China and the West, On October 16, 2001, the arithmetic average p / E ratio of 770 sample stocks (excluding Pt stocks, St stocks, loss making stocks and stocks with earnings less than 0.05 yuan per share in the middle of 2001) in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market was 29.43 times. Among them, the arithmetic average p / E ratio of the 100 listed companies with the smallest total share capital was 42.74 times, while the arithmetic average p / E ratio of the 100 listed companies with the largest total share capital was only 19.82 times, In the United States, the average p / E ratio of small cap stocks is several times higher than that of large cap stocks. The P / E ratio of NASDAQ market is higher than that of New York Stock Exchange, which is partly related to equity
Therefore, if we look at the average p / E ratio of a market, we should also consider the structure of the listed companies in the market. If the market is dominated by small equity companies, its reasonable P / E ratio should be higher. If we do not consider the equity composition of the listed companies in the stock market, we can not explain why, even if the price level of the original listed companies remains unchanged, as long as the last Sinopec company, In fact, on December 31, 2001, the price earnings ratio of Shanghai A-share index dropped to 37.59 times. If Sinopec is not listed, this number will dramatically rise to 43.31 times
(4) the P / E ratio should be linked with the structure of capital stock. The P / E ratio is also related to the structure of capital stock. If the shares are fully circulating, the P / E ratio will be lower. If the shares are fully circulating, the P / E ratio will be lower