What number does 0.9 belong to? Rational number? How to change it into the form of integer ratio Irrational number? Why irrational number If it is a rational number, how can it be written in the form of integer ratio

What number does 0.9 belong to? Rational number? How to change it into the form of integer ratio Irrational number? Why irrational number If it is a rational number, how can it be written in the form of integer ratio

Rational number
0.999…… =1
The method is as follows
Set 0.999 =x. Then 10x = 9.999
10x-x=9.999…… -0.999……
That is 9x = 9, so x = 1

Is there anything special about a number that is 0 by 3?

Add up all the numbers and keep adding until there's one left that can be divided by three
For example, 51 5 + 1 = 6 6 / 3 = 2
51 is divisible by three

0.302... What's the number in the 100th place after his decimal place?


A number less than 4 can be recorded as () or ()

The number less than 4 is recorded as (0-4), and it can also be recorded as (- 4)

The number 5 less than 0 is, and the number 6 greater than - 8 is

The number 5 less than 0 is - 5
The number 6 greater than - 8 is - 2

The product of a number (except 0) multiplied by a fraction must be smaller than the original number______ .

Only when this fraction is a true fraction, and it is a non-zero number multiplied by this true fraction, the product must be smaller than the original number

On the number axis, all of them______ The numbers are all on the left side of zero, which is to say______ The number is smaller than zero, and______ All numbers are bigger than zero

On the number axis, all negative numbers are on the left side of 0, that is, negative numbers are smaller than 0, while positive numbers are larger than 0

How many times does the number 0 appear in the range of 1-100?

10、20、30…… 90, nine times
Plus 100, 0 appears twice
So 0 appeared 11 times

From 1 to 100, the number "0" appears several times

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 100 is 11 times. If this is a literal question, it is 3 times. You have 3 times in this question

From the natural number of 1-100, the number 2 appears several times

1-9 1
10-19 1
20-29 11
30-99 7
The number two appeared 20 times